hinata shoyo [tea party]

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"Pardon for the intrusion!" You called out.

"Ah, [y/n]-san, welcome!" Mrs. Hinata cheerfully greeted, and you smiled at her. "Shoyo! She's here!"

"[y/n] nee-chaaaan!" Your boyfriend's little sister tackled you with a hug as soon as you went inside their house. In return, you pat her head and grinned at her.

"Aww, came to greet your future sister-in-law, Natsu?" You asked, making sure it was loud enough for Shoyo, who was now standing beside you, to hear.

"[y-y-y/n]-ch-chan.. s-s-stop th-that!" He interrupted, stuttering at every single word he said. He was still new to these kind of things, like being a boyfriend, and for you to joke like that.. you knew he wouldn't handle it so well.

His mother just laughed at his, shook her head and muttered something about "young love."

"Oh please, Shoyo." You covered your mouth with your left hand to restrain from laughing at how adorable he is. "I was joking."

That's what you thought. But actually, somewhere deep in your heart, you wished both of your love could last forever and as cliché and dumb as it sounds, live happily ever after.

But those things only happen in fairytales, right?

"Y-you are?" He asked, a look of hurt replaced his flustered face.

However, before you could even sense what was wrong, Natsu pulled you and Hinata inside her room.

She jumped up and down. "Let's play! ~"

Shoyo sighed, "Natsu.. [y/n] and I are supposed to study for exams today.."

"But.." Natsu pleads.

"C'mon, Shoyo, just for a bit. Okay?" You winked at him. He just sighed in defeat.

"Yay!" She hugs you and says, "let's have a tea party!"

"Tea.." you trail off.

"Party? .." Shoyo finished.

"Yeah!" Natsu nods her head enthusiastically.

"Onee-chan, you'll be a princess," she points at you then at her brother, "onii-chan, you'll be the knight who saved the princess!"

A fairytale.. A love story about the damsel in distress and her knight in shining armor! Way to go, Natsu! This is going to be exciting! ~

Natsu just finished setting up the tables and chairs, and called you.

You looked at Shoyo, who was now blushing madly and refusing to look at you.

"Let's go.." you held your hand out to him and playfully said, "my knight in shining armor. ♡"

"G-gah! [y/n]-chan!"

You tilted your head, as if expecting him to say something else.

Hesitantly, he replied, "s-sure.. s-shall we? My.. My princess.."

You smiled.

Well, at least just for today, let me be a princess in my own fairy tale.

. . .

Every once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale. - Anonymous

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