yamaguchi tadashi [cinnamon roll]

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You and your boyfriend were strolling in the mall when something caught your eye.


Yamaguchi, who was already ahead, walked over to you to see what caused your sudden outburst. "What's wrong, [y/n]?"

"Look, Tadashi!" you point to a cinnamon roll inside the glass counter of a bakery. "Is that you?"

For a while, there was a moment of silence.

Yamaguchi tilted his head in confusion; he doesn't know whether he'll laugh or be offended. "Pardon?"

"I mean, it's sooo like you!" You spread your arms out, not minding his current reaction.

"You're sweet," you stick one finger out, as if trying to point out that what you just said is true.

You put both of your hands on your hips. "You're cute!"

You take him by the arm and rested your head, "You're very innocent."

"And!" Lastly, you let go of his arm and gave him a big hug, your face buried in his chest. You looked up to him and said, "I love you."

"[y/n]..." He looked at you with wide-eyes, his cheeks flushed with the brightest shade of pink. "Wait, what does that last part have to do with the cinnamon roll?"

"Nothing!" you grin widely. "I just wanted to say it!"

.   .   .


we had so many projects that i didn't have time to do sht 

thanks to everyone who voted <33 i appreciate it, really >o<

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