bokuto kotarou [the game]

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Warning: This may ruin your life. Read at your own risk. :3

The Game is a mind game in which players attempt to avoid thinking about the phrase "the game" at all times ( Once you think about it, you automatically lose.

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"Hey, Koutarou, did you know that--"

"DON'T. Say anything. Please," your distressed boyfriend cut you off.

You just shrugged to this and, wanting to annoy him even more, you nonchalantly reply, "Did you know that you actually can't see yourself--"

"[Y/N] PLEASE HELL NO," he cuts you off again but you persisted.

"AND you only know what you look like because of mirrors and pictures?"

Bokuto's face turned paler than his hair, mouth gaping as he tried to think of words to say. You took this as a signal to continue.

"Oh! And you do know that you can see your nose in your line of vision?"


"First, you made me be aware of my breathing, blinking and swallowing," He got on his knees, his hands shaking in a frustrated manner, "NOW I'M DOING ALL THREE MANUALLY."

"And that stupid, 'You can't keep your tongue relaxed' thing is kILLING mE." He complains, already on the verge of dying. You nod in reply.

He abruptly stands up and takes you by your shoulders, "AND, AND, AND!" 


Bokuto takes a deep breath, before hysterically shouting, "I'M ITCHING EVERYWHERE! OH MY GOODNESS I CAN'T STOP SCRATCHING MYSELF!" He started scratching his head, ruining his spiky hair in the process.

"AND NOW. I have to keep my jaw up, because I'm aware of its fcking weight!"

 You smiled innocently in reply. "Aww. You're very welcome!"

"THANKS FOR NOTHING, SATAN!" he replied, enraged. Wow, this is even more amusing than his emo mode.

"I am so gonna get you back!" he pouts, annoyed that his almighty self was defeated by you.

You nod at his challenge. "Koutarou, do you know what The Game is?"

"No, why?"

You leaned in closer to him, your faces only inches apart and whispered, "Because you just lost it."

Extended ending:

"HEY!" he scooted away, a blush more evident on his face because of its recent paleness.

"Hey, hey?" you tilt your head to the side, completely oblivious to what was happening.

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