Chapter 4

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chap 4

The door to my room was cracked open slightly and my hands were still holding up my head. I finally reached around and grabbed my hoodie, zipping it up when I suddenly heard Jason's voice sound from the living room, "How long does it take to put a sweatshirt on, Doll?"

I sighed and got up, jogging back down the stairs, trying to think of an excuse as to why I could've taken so long.

When I reached the bottom, Jason was sitting on the couch again, his arms to the side and his legs spread out a bit.

"Sorry," I said, pulling my zipper up towards my neck a bit more, "I had to make sure you couldn't see down this one, Lord knows what would happen if you could."

Jason didn't reply, instead, he rose from the couch and crossed his arms behind his back. He wasn't very tall, I'd say about 5'8, but he was still intimidating; and given my small height and frame, he in a way, towered over me. 

After leaning over me with a sarcastic look plastered on his face, he began to pace, once again. His arms still hooked behind his back. He walked to and from about 3 times before he actually started to talk. 

"You know," he started, stopping and looking back at me, "I'm not very good with  sarcasm. I don't appreciate it, Doll. You don't really understand that I'm serious when I say I will get violent, do you?"

I gasped a bit, unaware of to react. I immediately regretted my words and i sunk down in my stance a bit. 

"I'm sorry." I said, my eyes trying to avoid his. 

"You're not forgiven," He said with a chuckle, "now, I changed my mind. I'm sleeping upstairs in your room tonight, in your bed, and so are you. So let's get going, yeah?" 

I nodded, too afraid to disagree. I turned around slowly and began walking to my room, not bothering to check if he was following me as I did so. 

"Lock the door." Jason said faintly when we finally stepped inside. 

"No one else lives here though, no one can come in." I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to look at Jason who was now running his hands over his face. 

"I said lock it!" 

I flinched at his sudden words and quickly pressed the lock, earning a click from the door knob. I walked over and sat on my bed silently, not knowing what to say or do. Jason stood and slipped his thumbs in the rim of his sweatpants, sliding them down his legs to leave him in just boxers. I shielded my eyes and crinkled my nose.

"Coulda given me some warning." I said, just loud enough for him to hear.

"Relax, Doll, you act like you've never seen a guy in just boxers before. And for the fiftieth time, don't give me attitude." He said the last part through gritted teeth.

I was so used to being the sassy and confident one at school. I kept forgetting who Jason was and what he wanted. I apologized and leaned back on the headboard. 

As I stood once again, just out of boredom, Jason picked up his limp sweatpants and pulled a white box out of the pocket, including a lighter. Although I had literally just agreed to being co-operative, the sight of him putting a cigarette up to his mouth while he cupped the end of it and a flame growing from the lighter enraged me. I hated smoking, I hated smokers. 

"No fucking way you're smoking in my house, asshole!" My eyes grew wide as I was shocked from my own words.

He immediately dropped the lighter and un-lit cigarette onto the bed and stood up, slamming his right foot onto the hard wood floor.

"Did you just fucking swear at me?" He yelled, startling me extremely. 

He grabbed my shoulders after charging towards me and shoved me back until I hit the wall behind me. It hurt a bit, but not enough to cause me extreme pain or tears or anything. 

"Never, EVER swear at me ever again," Jason screamed. His eyes were dark and his jaw was clenched. His left fist, which was still gripping my arm, kept squeezing tight over and over again; which I had noticed he kept doing when he was mad earlier.

"What on God damn Earth is so hard to understand about don't be fucking snappy with me?" On his swear, he re-shoved me into the wall, causing a whimper to escape my lips. "You bitch, never talk to me like that again, are we clear?"

I couldn't fight the tears anymore as I felt them flood from my eyes. His harsh words and sudden actions seemed unreal. They were tears of fear, confusion, and a little bit of pain. I nodded harshly and he released me without another word; me walking and plopping onto my bed and hugging my knees. and wiping my tears.

 As Jason started walking towards my bathroom, which was connected to my room, I began to replay many of the things he had said to me that night, and almost all of them included the pet name,' Doll '. I didn't like it, it made me feel weird. I didn't even know the kid. I didn't even like when Baylor used to call me 'babe' or 'love' when we were dating at first. I decided to try and politely ask him to not call me that. I preferred just Violet, or the occasional Vi that I got from people who were too lazy to say the whole thing. I wanted to show him I could follow his instructions.

Jason flipped the light on and ran the sink water. I saw him push some of it through his hair as I sucked up my courage to talk to him again. 


"What?" He asked, rather calmly, as if the previous encounter never happened.

"Do you think you could just call me by my name? You know, rather than Doll?"

He chuckled, "Nah, I'm gonna call you Doll, and you're gonna like it."

I gulped and spoke again, stuttering a bit, "B-but I d-don't like it."

He shot me a glare before leaning in the bathroom door frame.

"No, I'm serious, you're going to end up liking it, they all do."

I was confused, who was they?

Jason shut the bathroom light off and walked slowly over to the bed.

"They?" I asked, barely audible.

"Yeah, they. Like the other girls." He rolled his eyes without even attempting to hide it. He acted like I was supposed to know what he was talking about.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still genuinely confused.

"This isn't the only city I've been to, Doll Face. I've been all over. I need to stay somewhere for over nights. I ain't staying with some dude. Girls are easier to convince, and frankly, they're hotter." He said the last part like a huge douche bag, eyeing me up and down with a smirk.

"So, I'm not the only Doll?" I tried to keep my temper down and my tone sincere and apologetic.

"No, actually. I've called every other girl Love."

"So why am I Doll?" 

"I don't fucking know yet, God. I don't know, thats just what I thought when I saw you I guess, it just slipped out. So, that's what you are. They always fall in love with the name though."

I nodded, a bit distraught.

"I'm tired, turn the light off."

"But I'm not-"

"I said, turn it off!" He yelled once again, cutting me off.

"God just," He sighed, "Just shut it off, yeah? You're so damn afraid of me, then let me sleep."

And with the light was off. 

I felt uncomfortable being in the same bed as him, but I didn't protest. Instead, I simply slid over onto the far left and let him have the whole right. My stomach was nervous and I couldn't sleep, but I tried in hopes that in the morning I would wake and everything would turn out to just be a crazy dream I had.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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