Chapter 1

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Chp. 1

Violet's POV 

"Violet, that sounded amazing. Good job!" Carrie, my manager said clicking on the mic. I smiled and took the headphones off my ears. I opened the door to walk out, grabbing my water bottle along the way. "I'll see you next week Carrie. Thank you."

I was like every other 18 year old girl.  I liked what they liked and did what they did. Yet I had a dream to be well known one day. Singing was my passion and I wanted so badly to pursue it as a career. I was in the studio everyday, working on what my music would sound like and training my voice.

I grabbed my car keys out of my bag, and quickly tied my wavy, chocolate-brown locks into a bun. As soon as I reached my car and sat down, I heard a gentle knock on my window. I looked over into the dark squinting my eyes to make out a face. A masculine face with mysterious green eyes and jet black hair. "Baylor?" I yelled, rolling my window down with confusion.

"Hi, baby." His words were soft, and he had a small grin plastered on his face. "Uh, Baby? Baylor, we're not together anymore and you know it." He sighed slightly and leaned against my window, "I know, but I still love you yuh know."

"Well I'm sorry you do, because I don't. Look, I'm sorry, Bay, but I really gotta go." I did feel bad, but hey, it's not my fault he cheated on me, three times. He slowly backed away and I rolled my window up and started driving off into the misty drakness. 

It was 10:00 pm, and honestly, no one where I lived was out at this time of night, so, I stopped by the lake just to take my mind off things. I reached a bench, and watched as some ducks floated around the water. 

"You come here often?" a voice sounded from behind me, causing me to jump. I turned around, and from what i could make out from the street light, the voice came fom a boy, possibly around the age of 20-21. He was tanned and had plump pink lips with two lip rings curved around the left side. Sleeve tattoos reached up both his arms to his neck, and he smelled strongly of cologne. 

"Not really," I replied hesitantly, "Do you?"

"Not really," He laughed at his own mock, "I've barely lived here for a week. Now, what brings a pretty face like you out here at night, thats odd." He plopped down beside me and sat with his legs outwards; like a typical guy. 

"Excuse me? What brings you out here so late, that's odd." I smirked at myself for such a witty reply. The boy just laughed, shaking his head. "I wouldn't be talking like that to me, Princess. I'm sorta, on the run, that's why I'm here, now, are you gonna answer me?"

"On the run for what?" 

"Not important. Just humor me and cooperate here." 

"I'm here to relax. Happy now?" The boy smiled and nodded, licking his bottom lip.

"So, who even are you?" I asked, shying away from him a few inches. "Names Jason. Jason McCann. Best drug dealing bomber Aldania County's ever seen. {A.N. None of the places in this story are real. Aldania County is a made up place as far as I know} That is, if they knew it was me." My heart started to race and I almost felt dizzy. "I'm sorry did you say, drug dealing.. bomber?" 

"To simply put it, yes. But don't worry, I ain't here to hurt you. And I know what you're thinking, I ain't running from the police, I'm running from some guy who could've turned me in."

I sat without saying a word, not knowing what to do, but then Jason broke the silence, "So, you my name, but I don't know yours. You gonna tell  me, or do I have to guess?" 

"Uh, Violet." I said, choking out my words. Jason snickered and shook his head, probably the fiftieth time he did that in the past ten minutes. 

"Violet...." He held out the end of my name, signifying for me to continue. I rolled my light hazel eyes before replying, "Violet Gracelyn." Jason nodded as if in approval, before slapping his palms onto his knees and standing up. 

"Well, Violet Gracelyn, just so happens I'm a long way from home. You live alone?" 

I nodded. 

"Good, I don't mean to intrude, but I need somewhere to stay, if you're catching my drift."

"Hell no, I'm not letting a murderer into my house!" 

"Relax, damn. look, I clearly dont have any time of bomb on me, what could I possibly do? I told you, I'm not trying to hurt you. You're too pretty for that." He winked, eyeing me up and down. 

"First off, back off, second off, I'll let you stay if you show me theres no way of me dying or whatever. "

Jason rolled his eyes, pushing his hands in his pockets, then pulling the fabric out. "No phone, see?" He next lifted his shirt all the way up to his neck, revealing a toned chest and back, and mulitple more tattoos. "And... no gun. That enough proof for ya'?" 

I quickly nodded, and reluctantly motioned him to my car, super nervous that as soon as he sat down he'd try and kidnap  me or something, but to my surprise, he didn't. He sat down and without a word, flipped the radio own and propped his feet onto the dash. 

"Rule one, feet down." I scolded, crossing my arms. He glanced over at me, then shrugged me off and continued bobbing his head to the music. I sighed and quickly drove the two blocks to my small two story house. (Don't ask how I'm 18 and have my own house, it's a long story.)


I unlocked my door and stepped inside nervously.

"You're scared as hell, arent you?"

"Well no shit! You've bombed places and probably killed people, do you expect me to be alright?"

"No," He said sternly, "But I do expect you to trust me."

"For what?" I didn't understand what he wanted me to trust him for, but yuh know whatever.

"To trust me when I say, for the hundreth time, I'm not, going, to, hurt, you! All I need is a shelter damnit," His eyes looked sincere and concered,  "I promise."

I nodded, and decided it would just be best if I listened to him.


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