Chapter one

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Moonshine ran over to her owners at full speed and jumped into one of their laps. "Martha look." The human named Martha looked at the little collie who whined and carefully ,avoiding her stomach, reach to link her face and resume to looking around nervously. "John...where is Scorch?" At the mention of the name,Scorch,Moonshine screamed and jumped into Johns lap. Scorch came running into the room looking for Moonshine. She finally spotted the little silver furred sheep dog and started to smile evilly. "Nooooo!" Moonshine's blue eyes searched for an escape but couldn't find one. "I win dog!" Scorch screamed as she jumped almost landing on Moonshine and she would have if John didn't grab her in mid jump. The little wolf puppy tried to break free from his hold but was not successful. Scorch had white fur with red designs in it and she also had yellow eyes. Moonshine had silver fur and blue eyes and her breed was border collie. "Who wins now?" Moonshine said almost in a laugh as Scorch wiggled in the grasp of her owner. "Put me down you twit!" She tried to snarl as best she could but she was still a puppy. When both dogs finally calmed down they both sat in front of the television set and watched the movie called ''Ride Along 2'' while John talked to the unborn baby in Martha's stomach in a funny voice. "Will he stop that, he's going to give the baby a nightmare before it's born." Both puppy's started to laugh nonstop until they cried. Martha stood up slowly and started to walk to the kitchen to get a drink of water and in the process of doing that she stepped on Moonshine's tail causing her to squeal in pain which caused Scorch to bite down on Martha's leg. Scorch' teeth went so deep into Martha's leg with such speed and force the human fell onto the floor on her back. Both pups moved in time but as soon as Martha was on the couch crying in pain John grabbed Scorch by the scruff of her neck and walked outside smacking the poor puppy over and over causing her to bleed from her mouth and her ears but on the last hit she threw up blood and got hit for that. It was close to winter and there was a snow storm not too far from where they live. John took a chain and put it on the neck of the wolf pup an chained her to a tree in the front yard. "What have I done?" Scorch laid where John had threw her in the snow. "Scorch. Nooooo!" Moonshine saw what had happened threw the glass screen door and just to let her friend know she was still alive Scorch lifted her head and looked at the little dog who was a year older than her. As soon as the storm reached the city know as "Wolfstate Worrior" the cold became so unbearable Scorch had to dig a spot in the snow in an attempt to stay warm but it was no use. There came the sound of something walking her way and Scorch stood up looking in all directions to see where the source of the noise was coming from but could not see beyond the snow. "Who's there?" She said answer. "Can you help me I'm hurt and cold!" A strange figure started to approach her and fear caused her to whimper and wish she hadn't said anything. A wolf stepped up to her and looked at the chain with a growl of disgust. "If you can break that chain I will help lead you somewhere safe." His voice was deep and stern. His white fur blew from one side to the other as the wind blew. Pulling against the chain Scorch began to think about what her owner did to her which made her so angry the growl of a fully grown wolf eroded from her throat and the chains snapped as she gave one last tug on the chain. "Come." Scorch followed the wolf as he led her to the other side of the street and into an ally and from the ally to near by woods where he led her to a den. She curled up in the middle on the den where there was grass and leaves scattered everywhere. The white furred wolf walked over and curled up beside her letting her use his tail as a pillow and his head blocking the cold air from reaching her body. "Thanks." The wolf nodded his head and put a paw over her little body to comfort her. The smell of blood awakened Scorch from her sleep and caused her stomache to growl with hunger. When she opened her ehes there in front of her layed the white wolf who helped her dead with blood running out of his nose and mouth.

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