Show Them All You're Not The Ordinary Type

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   I entered the school gym with my nerves on edge. I decided to come watch the Friday basketball game despite the fact that I was alone.
   I now regret that decision.
   My heart thumped hard in my chest as I rounded the corner of the bleachers.
   Where am I going to sit?
   My heart now thumping in my throat, causing my breathing to quiver, I made a brave face and walked up the stairs of the bleachers, choosing the first available row to sit in a rather empty section. The row was empty when I sat there, but soon a crowd of the school's preppies walked in and made their way towards the row I was sitting on. At this I decided to scoot up the rows of bleachers. More and more people crowded into the once-empty section and I went higher and higher until I ran out of rows. I was now on the second row from the top and I looked up to see the very top row full of people. The row consisted of Lukas, Aiden, Gill, Maya, Petra, and some other people I didn't recognize.
   "Why, why did I think this was a good idea?" I thought to myself.
   Just then a huge group of people walked in, enough to take up this entire row. Panicking, I looked up at the row above me. There was some room on the edge of it, away from the people on it. Quickly, I moved up there.
   With a huge sigh of relief I felt my chest loosen up, and I leaned against the back wall. That was the nice thing about the top row of the bleachers, you had a back rest.
   I looked over at the person next to me. It was Petra. Her fiery-red hair rest on her shoulders, a blue and green striped bandana atop her head. Today she wore a blue T-shirt with a black vest over it, black short-shorts, and black combat boots. She was nice to everyone, but her tough-as-nails personality let everyone know not to mess with her; but as long as you were nice to her, she was nice to you. I had her in algebra 2 and physics. We do a lot of group activities in physics class and we sometimes wound up in the same group, but with my horrible social anxiety I usually just sat there quietly and did what work I needed to. Point is, I didn't know her well enough to start a conversation, so I just sat there quietly.
   I let my mind wander for so long that I didn't realize I was almost staring at her, and she looked over at me and smiled.  Quickly, I diverted my attention with my eyes wide and my eyebrows arched in fear. I began to fidget awkwardly in my seat as I watched the game.
   The game was over. We won 48-47, it was a close one.
   "All right folks, that will wrap us up for today's basketball game..." I heard the announcer start to say. I never really payed much attention to what he had to say because I usually made my way out of the gym with Axel and Olivia by now, but they were out on a date and couldn't come. So now here I am, forced to sit at the top of the bleachers in the very corner, having to wait for the crowd to decide that it was time to leave so I could make my way down. When everyone on my row decided to head down I followed, using them as a shield.
   I pushed open the gym door and started my walk home. I usually took this time to look at the town's scenery, there was some small, almost antique buildings for businesses and mostly wooded areas. It really was beautiful. I loved this small town that I lived in, it was so simple yet so beautiful. It was a safe town, which I liked. I could walk around and do as I please with my friends, or just by myself.
   I walked the long dirt road to my house, separated from most of the town. I lived in a small wooden house on top of a hill, this way I had a nice view of the town. It was really secluded, and I loved it. When I finally reached the house I extended my arm towards to knob and pushed the door open.
   "Mom? You home?" I called out.
   "Yes dear," I heard a reply. "But I'm about to head out, will you be okay here by yourself?"
   Of course she had to leave. I expected this, I was almost always home by myself. She went out nearly every single night, but to be honest, I liked the peacefulness an empty house gave me.
   "Yeah I'll be fine. Besides, I'll have Reuben to protect me," I answered. Almost on cue, Reuben trotted into the living room and sat obediently in front of me. I rubbed his head, "Hey boy," I said and I smiled at him.
   She walked through the doorway that lead from her bedroom to the living room, still tugging at an earring to make sure it was on good. "Okay honey. I should be home tonight for dinner," she started, but I knew it would be late into the night before she came back. "Just in case, there are some microwaveable foods in the pantry you can cook so you don't burn the house down," she joked.
   "Okay mom, have fun," I smiled at her. She smiled back and gave me a hug.
   "I love you sweetheart," she said.
   "Love you too mom."
   She pulled away from me and headed for the door. As she reached for the knob she turned around and smiled at me. "Try not to have any wild parties while I'm gone," she said playfully.
   "I'll try to contain myself," I added back. She went out the door and I heard her start her car and pull out of the drive way. I plopped myself into a recliner and started to watch TV. Just then I heard Axel's custom made ringtone go off on my phone.
   "Hello?" I said as I picked up.
   "Hey, Jesse," he replied.
   "How did the date go?"
   "Pretty good, how was the game?"
   "A close one, 48-47 in our favor."
   "Sweet! Hey dude I heard there's this awesome party at Aiden's tonight, we should totally go!" Axel informed me excitedly.
   "I... I don't know Axel. You know parties aren't my thing..." I said nervously.
   "Come on dude, we gotta live while we're young! We've only got one more year after this one until we graduate. Do you really want to graduate high school without having gone to one single party?"
   "Come on, party pooper," he pouted.
   "All right, all right. We'll meet up at your place?"
   "Sure man."
   "See you then."
   "Alright dude."
   "Bye." We both hung up.

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