So Lost... I'm Faded

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Tuesday. April 19th, 2016. Three days until my birthday, 18 days until prom. I still needed a tux, but I could get that when my mom and I go birthday shopping. Axel hasn't texted me since the confrontation, but I don't blame him. He's probably too busy with Olivia anyways.
I can't say I don't feel sad that Axel and I are no longer on speaking terms, but I can't say I didn't have someone I cared about deeply in my life, and she cared deeply for me too. I knew she did.
I walked outside and greeted her, almost forgetting what happened last night; it hit me like a ton of bricks while we said our greetings. I was already on the back of her motorcycle and holding tight to her before I knew it. Just having her in my arms was the greatest feeling in the world.
We arrived in the school parking lot, thankfully not to be greeted by Aidan, Lukas, Gill or Maya.
The school day was going great so far, I knew worse was yet to come, but I was expecting it to be with Axel.
As I approached my locker to retrieve my algebra 2 book I noticed something unusual. As I opened my locked a slip of paper fell in front of my face, quickly I examined it.
Back off
It was written in red ink, with scratchy letters so the handwriting couldn't be traced to one person.
"Whatcha got there?" Petra said as we approached me.
"Should I tell her?" The thought crossed my mind. Before I knew it she had the note in her hands, reading it herself.
"Please tell me you weren't thinking about not telling me."
"It... May have crossed my mind... Only so much as to not worry you," I explained.
"Jesse, you can tell me anything, no matter what," she said.
"I know... I just... Don't want to dump all of my problems on you."
"Your problems are my problems," she reassured me. "Now all we have to do is find the culprit," she continued. "I'd bet a million dollars it was Aidan and his goons."
   "We could ask the principal if we can look at the security footage?" I suggested.
   "Good idea," she said with a smile. All I could think about was that peck on my cheek from last night, but I sure as hell wasn't gonna bring it up or ask about it in any way.
Axel and I never spoke or made eye contact all day, I was getting nervous knots in my stomach during the class we had together- English 3. Finally, it was the end of the day and Petra and I met up so we could go speak with the principal.
"Oh hello, do you kids need something?" The lady at the front desk asked.
"Yes, we'd like to speak with the principal please," Petra answered.
   "Of course," she said as she led us to the office near the back.
"Thank you," Petra said as the lady made her way back to the desk.
"Can I help you two?" The principal asked.
"Yes," she answered as we both sat down, "we found this in Jesse's locker," she said handing him the note.
"Hmm... Any idea of who it would be?"
"There are a couple of suspects but we don't have any physical proof. We were hoping you could go through the security footage," she explained.
"Alright, where's your locker located at son?" He asked.
I gulped down my fears and anxieties. My leg had been shaking and restless since I sat down, and even though I was right under the air conditioner I had pit sweat down to my waist. "It's-" my voice interrupted me by cracking, resulted in me having to clear it, "ahem, it's in the left corridor by the bathrooms. Locker number 299," I finally managed to say.
He typed in some things on his keyboard and turned his monitor around so we could all see. At first there was nothing, he kept fast forwarding until finally a hooded figure showed up on the screen. The person had on black gloves, black shoes, a black hoodie and a black bandana over his/her face. You couldn't see anything to identity the culprit.
"Well, whoever this was sure wanted to get away clean," the principal added. "I'm sorry kids, but there's nothing we can do. If the threats continue come to me straight away, and I'll tell the staff to keep a lookout, ok?"
"Alright, thanks for everything," Petra said as we exited the office. I crumpled the paper in my hands in frustration.
   "Ugh," I complained.
   "Hey, we did everything we could," Petra attempted to comfort me.
   "I know..."
   Petra took me down by the lake to try and calm me down. We talked for a while, mostly about who we thought gave me the threat note.
   "I bet its either Aiden or Lukas," she said.
   "Probably..." I said with my head buried between me knees.
   Petra seemed so worried about me. I tried to cheer myself up so she wouldn't worry but nothing would work.
Back off
"Why would anyone say that to me? What did I do? What will they do to me..." Thoughts raced in my head.
   My thoughts were interrupted suddenly when I felt her head lean on my shoulder. I looked down at her, and she had a sad expression on her face. I felt bad, I really did.
   "Petra don't be sad because of me..." I attempted to comfort her.
   "This whole thing just pisses me off. I hate seeing you like this," she said.
   "I shouldn't let it bother me, I really shouldn't."
   We sat there with our eyes locked, she had a sad look in her's. I could see my reflection in her pupils like a mirror, and I could see my own sadness that she was taking in. I attempted a small, crooked smile to lighten the mood and soon she cracked a small smile too.
   "Come on, why are we moping around like this? Let's have some fun," I said getting up.
   "Like what?" She asked as she stood up next to me.
   "Let's just... take a walk," I said as I started around to lake. Suddenly there was a weight on my back and shoulders as Petra playfully jumped onto my back for a piggyback ride. I had a huge smile on my face as I supported her legs and carried her around, her arms wrapped around my neck and her head resting on my shoulder. I may or may not have been fighting a blush the whole time.
   It was dusk and the sun was setting behind the horizon, a beautiful sight but no match for Petra's beauty. I could feel the heat of her face radiating from her cheek to mine. It sent a chill down my spine, I never wanted the moment to end.
   We laid down in the grass for a while watching the sunset. We were as close as sardines in a can; her pinky was molded with mine as a wave of electricity formed in my stomach and jolted through the rest of my body. Eventually we decided it was time to go home and she gave me a ride.
   When we arrived at my house she got off her bike and interlocked her fingers with the first couple of knuckles of mine. "We'll found out who wrote that note... Eventually."
   "We shouldn't worry about it for now," I said.
   "Goodnight Jesse," she said as our fingers parted ways, and I couldn't help but feel sad at our parting.
   "Goodnight... Be careful on your way home. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you."
   She flashed a smile at me as she exited my driveway, the wave of blood-red hair flowing in the wind as she continued the last leg of her journey.
   "I wonder what her dad thinks of me..."

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