I Know A Sad Song

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   I met up with Petra after school so we could hang out. My walk was a bit more sluggish than usual, I was slowed in sadness of what happened after lunch. I was relieved that I finally confronted Axel, but yet I couldn't help but feel sad. I've been friends with Axel since preschool. It's hard to lose someone you've known for that long. Finally I saw Petra who was resting against the wall in her signature pose: leaned back, arms crossed, and one leg propped up on the wall. She saw my face and her smile turned to a frown of concern and worry as I approached her.
   "What's wrong?" She asked.
   I craned my neck with the palm of my hand while looking down, at a loss for words. "I... I confronted Axel," was all I managed.
   "How did he react?"
   "Not good..."
   "Well then that's his problem. He's missing out on a great guy, a great friend. If he doesn't realize that, he is truly dense. Don't worry- I bet he'll come around and see he was wrong eventually, but if not you'll always be stuck with me," she added with a smile at the end.
   "I'd rather be stuck with you than trapped with Axel," I said.
   "You did the right thing Jesse. You did what was best for you," she replied.
"You always know just what to say," I said as we both got on the roaring red monster of a motorcycle and made our way to our usual destination- the lake.
I loved riding with Petra. I felt so secure and calm with my arms around her.
Today something different happened. As we neared the old and rusted bridge we had to cross to get the the lake she slowed to a stop.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"You, mister Jones, are going to learn to ride a motorcycle," she answered.
"What? You can't be serious. I'll mess it up!" I tried to convince her otherwise.
"Come on Jesse, you'll be fine. I'll tell you what to do, it'll be fun," she said. "I won't make fun of you if you mess up," she added with a serious expression.
   "Ok... I trust you," I said nervously.
   I sat on the front seat of the bike as Petra gave me instructions on how to ride. It was totally confusing, I could sometimes get where she was going with it but other times I was totally lost.
   "Ok, now you try," she said, taking a step back.
   I stared down at the metallic beast as it growled at me. I was so scared of messing up. Slowly I twisted the throttle, the motorcycle inching forward a bit. The engine roared louder and I twisted further on the gas and Petra let out a thrilled whoop.
   "Yeah, that's it Jesse! You got it!" She called out.
   Suddenly the huge beast reared back and bucked me off like a bull, and I was flat on the ground on my back.
   I heard a burst of laughter and turned around to see Petra doubled over, her face red from laughing. I soon found myself sitting there laughing at myself too.
   Eventually Petra came over to me to help me up, "Not bad... For a rookie," she said with that gorgeous smile of hers.
   I smiled back, not even realizing that I was fully stood up now but never let loose of Petra's hand from mine. I looked down slowly at our hands, merged into one. The inevitable red blood gushed to my cheeks, and once I was conscious of what was happening, there was no stopping it. Trying to stop it only made it worse.
   "Sorry..." I said as I slowly removed my hand from her grip and chuckled awkwardly.
   Petra simply looked at me and smiled. I couldn't tell if she was aware of the spell she put me under or if it was completely unintentional.
   "Hey," she said, "I just had a good idea. You should meet my dad, you would love him."
   "Hmm... Yeah, alright," I said as we got back on the motorcycle. "But you're driving."
Soon we arrived at a brick house whose bricks had been chipped with age. As we neared the door I started to get second thoughts and last minute nervousness.
"Maybe this isn't such a good idea..." I thought as my heart started racing.
Her hand reached for the golden knob and turned ever so slightly...
She turned around in surprise, "Are you ok?" She seemed concerned.
"Come on Jesse you've come this far, what could actually go wrong?"
"Uh.... Never mind..." I said reluctantly as the blood rushed to my face in humiliation.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Yeah... I'm fine," I said looking up, my left arm grabbing my right, one of the positions I get in when I'm uncomfortable.
The door opened with a loud, long creeeeeeeaaaaaaak.
"Dad?" She called out, "Come on there's someone I want you to meet!"
"PETRA DAKOTA JACKSON WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT BRINGING BOYS TO THIS HOUSE?!" A stern voice boomed as a large, muscular man entered the room. He had a few tattoos, a bald head, and a goatee. Just your average scary dad look. Very comforting.
His grey eyes burned into Petra's chocolate ones and it was a stare-off between the two. Her father's eyes weren't too different from mine. His were just tougher, more mean looking and mine had a bluer tint to them. Soon to my surprise they both burst into laughter.
"I'm just kidding boy, how's it going? I've heard a lot about you," he greeted me.
"Dad!" Petra said, getting the slightest tint of pink to her cheeks.
He let out a loud and mighty bout of laughter, "What? I'm only teasing you two."
"M-my names Jesse," I said extending my arm to shake his hand, trying to sound confident but obviously failing.
"Nice to meet you Jesse," he took my hand in a firm handshake, "the name's Diesel," he said as he shook my hand violently enough to make my teeth rattle. I swear, as soon as he let go, my eyes were spinning inside their sockets. "So you're the boy my Petra's been taking care of, spending all her time with," he said as Petra slapped his muscular arm. Petra scoffed at him and rolled her eyes playfully.
   "What? I'm glad! I'm glad you've got yourself a friend that treats you right," he said.
"Me too... Aiden and his group didn't treat her right... And Axel never treated me right either."
We both looked at each other and laughed. "Well I'm glad you two really hit it off," Petra said, "but it's getting kind of late, need a lift home Jesse?" She asked.
"Uh, yeah, sure, if you don't mind that is," I answered.
"Not at all," she said with that trademark smile.
"Well you two crazy kids be careful, okay?" Diesel said.
"Yeah Dad, I'll be home soon."
We exited the house and I couldn't resist but smile deviously, "Dakota, huh?"
She almost flinched in surprise and looked at me, "Cut it out, Jones," she said as she lightly punched my arm.
"Whatever you say, Dakota," I chuckled as she tackled me to the ground. I was so taken aback that I was pinned before I knew it, staring into the lost galaxy of her eyes, speckled with stardust.
"Call me Dakota one more time, Jones," she threatened playfully.
"What? I think it's a pretty name," I said truthfully. "...Dakota," I added mischievously.
"I am going to find out your middle name and when I do-"
"Xavier," I said blatantly.
She seemed stunned, "Xavier?" She scoffed, than chuckled, "Hardly better than Jones. I think I'll keep Jones."
We got up and dusted ourselves off, laughing.
"Petra Dakota Jackson... What a beautiful name. Everything about her is perfect." I thought as I admired her. She had killer style too, the combat boots and bandana just screamed "total badass" and she was. Her kick-ass personality was a little intimidating until you got to know her, then she was the utmost understanding and comforting person on the planet. She was really protective and strong too, which came in handy.
   Soon we arrived at my house and she shut off the engine of her bike. "Should I meet your mom now?" She asked.
   "Uhhh..." I looked back at the house. "I don't know... She's... She might be drunk... or passed out... or both. She always is."
   "Oh. I'm sorry," she said truthfully.
   "Ah, it's fine. I'm used to it," I said craning my neck.
   We both stood there a few seconds before saying anything and finally she managed, "Well, I guess I'll see you here tomorrow morning then," she said as she extended her arm to hug me, and I hugged back.
   Then as she pulled away I felt a soft, warm presence on my cheek.
   Her lips.
   The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as she kissed my cheek, and before I knew it I was watching her blood-red hair melt in the wind as she drove off, my face still awe-struck.
   There was no sleep to be had that night. What happened with Axel raced through my thoughts, and Petra.
   "It was just a friendly kiss..." I told myself as I spun madly into the dark pit of an insomniac night.
   "An insomniac maniac..."

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