Chapter eight

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I felt a vibration in my butt pocket, while I was watching tv. My friend Willow is was face timing me. Without hesitation, I picked up as her bright blue hair popped up on my screen. It was weird though. I had forgotten about her and I forgot that I looked like her in a previous dream with Lucas.
"Hey can you come to Birch Woods with me and Scarlet." she spoke as she opened her front door and played around with her keys.
"Um," there was a moment of silence for a second, "sure, why not." I responded.
"Cool, I'll meet you in front of the sign near the huge âss tree around 2:00"
"K-" I was cut off when Willow ended the call.
I slipped on a tank too with a flannel and black jeans. My house keys were left up stairs so I trudged up the stairway and grabbed them.
As I headed out the door, Peanut popped in my head.
I forgot to say bye to her.
I sprinted up the stairs once again to find she wasn't there. I looked all around the house to find her in my parent's bedroom asleep. I whispered " I wuv you" as I quietly tip-toed out of the bedroom.
I shot out to the door like a bullet.
As I was locking my door, my key got jammed. (A/N: funny story this actually happened) I tried yanking it out for 10 minutes but that didn't seem to work out. I went back into my house to get a fork and stayed outside like an idiot. People walked by either chuckled or gave me a questionable expression. I finally got my key out after 10 more minutes. I was so tired to didn't even have enough energy to text Willow I couldn't come. As the ringing noise was repeating her voice snapped out of no where.
"Where are you!"
"Sorry, I can't come anymore." My voice panted.
"Okay, but the whole Adam, Lucas, and Gabe are here." She squealed, nearly making me deaf.
"I don't care"
"Fine bye"
I slowly walked make to the couch and plopped down as I turned on the tv.
The news was on.
" Breaking news, if you see this man near Acorn Ave., please call 911 immediately. He is highly dangerous, so please be careful and I suggest you stay home. Lock your doors and be safe!" A face popped up on the screen. It was a middle aged man with a snake tattoo on his neck and a scruffy beard.
Acorn Ave. is two block away from my house and the only way to get to Birch Woods is to stroll though Acorn Ave.
If my key wasn't jammed,
She wouldn't be there right now, blankly staring at the tv. Good thing I messed with her lock or she'd be gone and out of my sight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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