Chapter 6

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3rd person P.O.V

The elevator doors open only to reveal a very worried Penelope standing there waiting. Derek gets worried and asks,

"Baby girl? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not. We've got another case."

Hotch looks confused as does the rest of the team, as Hotch says,

"Round room, now."

Without another word the team rushes to the Round room. Everyone takes their seats and without losing another second Penelope starts the briefing.

"About two hours after you left Washington two teens were kidnapped."

"How is that possible?" JJ asks.

"Actually according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children nearly 800,000 children per year are kidnapped that's over 2,000 a day." Reid states.

"Anyways, the two teens were seen being taken and lead into a car. The man had a baseball cap on so his face was hidden but there was a security camera across the street."

Hotch gets up and calls the pilot, he says that the plane will be ready in 20 minutes. Hotch turns back to the team and says,

"Alright wheels up in 20 in the mean time, Garcia see if you can get the security camera footage."

"Yes sir."

"Garcia is there anything else we need to know about the man or the kids?"

"Oh yes. Their names are Angela and Arthur Willams." A picture of the two of them come up on the screen. "They were adopted by Jennifer and Steven Willams after their birth mother put them up for adoption."

"Why?" Rossi asks, looking at the screen in wonder.

"That's hard to say, those files are locked up pretty tight."

"Interesting." Rossi says.

"Alright team, grab your bags wheels up in 10."

Without a second to loose the team grab their bags and head towards the jet. While Penelope starts to hack into the security camera and get the footage. When the team is halfway to Washington Penelope calls them.

"Go ahead Garcia."

"Okay, well I was able to find the footage. It's not much but here."

A video comes up, they watch as a car pulls up into the drive way. A man steps out of the car, pulls out a baseball cap, looks back and forth than walks away. A couple of minutes later he comes back with Arthur, he shouts something to Angela who then comes running out and into the car. Then he drives off, the video minimizes revealing an apologetic Penelope.

Everyone looks confused for a minute before Reid says, "Garcia go back to the beginning when he was just getting out of the car."

Penelope does, "Great now zoom in," Penelope does as she told. And there is a perfect image of the man, only it's not a man at all. Reid sits there shocked, no one else realizes it for a while before Penelope enhances the image.

There in a New York Yankee's baseball cap is Chloe. No one says anything until Hotch speaks up.

"Garcia, pull up anything you can find on Chloe Parker."

"Y-yes sir. I'll call when I find something."

"Thank you Garcia."

Penelope signs off, leaving the team to sit there and think.

"Why would she do this?" Morgan finally asks, after minutes of silence.

"That's what we have to figure out. Now given the situation we can't let our feelings get in the way of this case. We still have two grieving parents and two missing teens. We'll figure out along the way, but for now. She is our unsub and we have to find her, no matter what."

Down on the ground, Chloe is halfway to Spokane with nothing stopping her. Angela and Arthur are asleep in the backseat, just when everything seems perfect. The police radio goes off,

Attention all units, a 134 has been committed in Tacoma. The suspect is heading out of state, begin setting up road blocks. Suspect is armed and possibly dangerous. Precede with caution.

"Crap, wait I'm not armed. What ever."

Chloe starts driving faster down the I90, just as her phone starts ringing. Chloe checks it, it's Reid. She ignores him, knowing that picking it up will only get her caught. Back in the air the plane is about to land when Penelope calls.

"Go ahead, baby girl."

"Alright so I everything on our Chloe. When she was 12 she basically dropped out of school for months, then everything is normal in high school, her parents got divorced her junior year. Uh, she joined the FBI a little after graduating college and then she joined our little family."

"Garcia what happened when she was 12?" Rossi asks.

"Uh, it doesn't say. Just that she didn't go to school for a while because of medical issues."

"That's not suspicious at all." Morgan says, rolling his eyes.

"Wait do you think she did something bad then?"

"We don't know baby girl that's what you have to find out."

"Right I am on it."

She stays on the line as Hotch says,

"Alright when we land Reid and Morgan I want you to investigate the crime scene. Rossi and I will get settled. JJ I want you to talk to the parents. And Garcia keep looking and call when you find something."

Everyone nods, Garcia says, "Yes, sir. Be safe my lovelies, and please don't hurt Chloe."

"Don't worry Garcia we won't." Reid says, before Penelope signs off one more time.

"Reid." JJ says.

"We're not going to hurt her right?"

"Reid, it depends. She might have cracked after the last case, we might need to."

Reid sits there feeling defeated in his heart but shows nothing but understanding. It wasn't long before the plane lands and the team splits off on they're own. Reid and Morgan head over to the crime scene, while the others go to the police station.

"Agent Hotchner, sorry we have to meet again under these conditions."

"Agent Knight, where are the parents?"

"Right over there in my office."

"JJ." Hotch says.

JJ nods and walks towards the office, she walks in closes the door and says, "Mr. and Mrs. Williams? Hi, my name is Jennifer Jareau I'm on the case involving Angela and Arthur."

"You're going to find them right? You're going to find my babies?" Mrs. Williams asks, sounding just genuine enough to fool JJ.

"I promise you we will find them, but we need you're help."

Mr. and Mrs. Williams nod as Mr. Williams asks, "How can we help?"

"Stay home and wait. Sometimes people like this give up and return."


"But sometimes they don't and we need you're help by staying strong. Don't worry I'll stay with you until we find Arthur and Angela."

Mrs. Williams starts crying a bit more, Mr. Williams rubs her back to calm her, while JJ simply sits there calmly smiling. 

JJ gets up to leave and before she does, she says, "I'll leave you two alone, now."

"Please, find my babies. Please." Mrs. Williams pleas.

"We'll find them, I promise."

JJ walks out of the room and just as she does Rossi comes up to her and says, "Morgan and Reid found something. We've got to go, now."

JJ nods, Rossi leads her to one of the cars with Hotch waiting. Once JJ gets in she asks, "So what did Spence and Morgan find?"

Rossi and Hotch share a look before Hotch says, "You won't believe us."

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