Chapter 2- Watching

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Chapter 2


~ 16 players remaining ~

I laid on the floor, staring at the ceiling for what felt like a million years. My entire body ached and in fear of hurting myself even more, I didn't move. The entry room of the mansion seemed as big as a ballroom, with an elegant chandelier hanging above me, gently swaying back and forth. A large red rug covered the middle of the room, and it was soft enough to sleep on. Before I could be dragged into another deep sleep, I sat up. This wasn't a time to be sleeping, especially since Abigail could easily kill me in my sleep. I looked around, taking in the room more. Two large staircases led to a balcony on the second floor, overlooking the main room. It was a beautiful house, and if my life wasn't on the line I would have fallen back to sleep on the velvet rug, feeling safe under the dim candle lit chandelier.
But of course I wasn't safe. I stood up weakly, looking towards the doors. Now, firmly shut. I walked towards them and put my hands against them, pushing with all of my strength. But I was young and very weak. My hand slipped and I stumbled against the door like a fool. "Locked.." I sighed.

On either side of me were two long corridors, leading to god knows where. Exploring would help me find my friends, but first I needed to get a feel on how big this house was. So I walked up the stairs, looking around at the beautiful architecture. I noticed under the stairs, a small door, with a weird symbol written on it. I narrowed my eyes and quickly descended the stairs. My curiosity had been peaked.
Slipping behind the staircase I found the little door and chuckled. It was very small, and I knew the only way I could get through was if I crawled. I knelt down and jiggled the handle, but there was no luck. Instead I studied the symbol on the door. It was a rose, being engulfed by a white flame. 'weird.' I thought, before getting back on track with my current mission. Find my friends, and make a plan to escape.

In total, there was sixteen of us. Tobi Grimis, Yukari Hades, Jane Hunt, Natasha Tyler, Terry Schmidt, Finn Williams, Amelia Anderson, Kate Middle, Ryan Morgan, Addie Calaway, Kumara Rose, Alice Jorden, Jason Way, Scott Rich, and of course Viola and I. We were quite an interesting group of friends. Our hobbies often clashed, we'd argue and throw insults, but then again? We were closer than family. Nothing could separate us.
My first priority was finding Viola, since I was her entire world. Having an over protective sister is worse than having one that doesn't care at all. I knew she was probably terrified not knowing where I was, so she was number one on my list.

The second floor was long and maze like. Every room was different. Libraries and bedrooms, nurseries and laboratories full of century old bottles and materials. I stopped to rest in a fairly large bedroom with two beds and a bathroom. The door locked too, so I gave myself a little security with the door. The beds rested on opposite ends of the room, facing each other. Against the far wall was a couch and a large chest. I assumed it could be used as a coffee table. The shelves were lined with old books and antiques, all covered by layers of dust. The other side of the room, in a corner by the door, was a table and four chairs. I let myself sit in the closest chair and lower my head onto the table.

It was hard to breathe. I reached under my sweater, tugging at the present Finn gave me. But relief was not given, my lungs ached for normal air.
I slipped off my sweater and walked to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. My long brown curls covered my shoulders and back, my bangs hiding my chocolaty eyes. I sighed, reaching to my side and adjusted my gift just enough so I could properly breathe. I took a few deep breaths and nodded. I turned on the sink and watched clear water splash against the porcelain. This meant we'd be here for awhile, and we would need food and water. Quickly cupping my hands under it, I took a few slurps of the water. It was surprisingly clean, and quenching. I drank more, feeling it slip down my chin and onto the counter. Feeling better and with more strength than before, I turned it off.

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