Chapter Special #1

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Hihi.. I've been planning to do this, these chapters are random and has nothing to do with the plot.. well maybe a little I DONT KNOW!! I just wanna take a break from the story Just enjoy it!
Kim: Are you sure im allowed here?Sehun:Yes. Yes. im sure <he was pushing me into the practice room>
Baek: Dont worry, Kim
Kim: Okokok <I turned to them> Did everything go as planned?
Sehun: Yes, Chen is distracting them, we just need to set up decorations.
Kim: Good, did you set uo the cameras? <i gave him a look>
Sehun:Yes yes i did, GEEZ calm down.
Kim: Sorry, Sehun, I just want everything to be perfect <i hugged him, im happy i met him and ALL of them>
Sehun: <hugs back> I understand
Baek: <arms out> Huggie? <smiling>
Kim: <runs into his arms> Of course!!
Im happy i met you.
Sehun:We are happy to meet you too, Kimchi
Baek: Thats my nickname!!
Sehun: I like it tho
--Decorations set--
Kim: <Looks around> We really out did ourselves didn't we?
Baek/Sehun: Yup
Sehun: its Chen. <opens door> Are they coming?
Chen: Yeah.
Baek: Hurry up and hide <Baek and Kim hide under the table, Sehun barries himself in balloons, and Chen hid behind the couch>
--15 minutes later--
Baek: Are they coming?
Kim: Shhuh They're coming..
Kai: <whined> Why did Chen want to come here?
Kyung: I don't know [A.N: He knew about the party] <Turns on the light>
Baek/Kim/Sehun/Chen: SURPRISE!!!
Kim: Suprise <Pops confetti at them>
Xiumin: Did you do this for us?
Kim: <smiles and nods>
Xiumin: <hugs her> Thanks
Kim: no biggie
Chanyeol: Yes its a big biggie, Kimmy <hugs her>
Kim: I don't know <shrugs>
Lay: My turn <hugs her> Thanks Kim
Kim: Whatever
Suho: Thanks Kim
Kim: No hug? <arms out>
Suho: Of course <hugs her>
Kai: Group Hug!!
Everyone: <comes in and hug Kim>
THEY PARTY TIL SUNDOWN [A.N: We gonna party til the sun rise!! LOVE ME RIGHT!!]
Hi hi guys.
Tell me if you want more of these kinds of chapters!!

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