Chapter 18

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Easier to deal with-ish now!

"You don't have to try to be sexy. Nothing is more attractive than your natural self-the way you are." -TOP, Big Bang
  I've never seen Chanyeol so happy.. wait no thats a lie. Anyways, he's been sweet, charming and all out funny around me.
The duet was AMAZING!!!

   'Wait you're with Chanyeol?!' Baekhyun asked, pouting.

'Aw don't worry Baek. We're still friends right.' I patted his head, i told him that for the past couple weeks but it hasn't got into his little brain of his.

  'If Chanyeol hurts my little kimchi he's gonna get it.' He puts his fists up.
I laugh, this oppa is crazy.

  'Your little kimchi?!' Sehun whacks him with a pillow. 'She told you for the past week she's Chanyeol's.' [A.N: Im not sure whats with Sehun and pillows and smacking people with it]

I laughed again. 'And what are you gonna do about it?' I asked Sehun.

  'I don't know.' He shrugged. 'Take you out to bubble tea. My treat.' Sehun patted me on the head.

'I still can't get over it.' Baekhyun whined.

'I can't either.' I mumbled.

'Can't believe what?' A low voice came, Chanyeol rubbed my shoulders. 'That your my girlfriend?' He kissed my forehead.

  I laugh. 'Maybe...' He sat next to me.

'You guys really love each other.'
Baekhyun sighed out. Chanyeol and I looked at each other then at him. 'I like you two together.'

   We smiled, Im happy he likes us together it means a lot.

  'Well we better leave you two alone.'

'Bye ChanKim!!' Sehun teased and they both left.


  'What'cha doing?' Chanyeol asked.

  I smiled. 'I think it needs work.' I gave him the lyric sheet, his eyes grew wide.



  'Yeah! You got this idol thing in the bag!'

  I chuckled. 'I have the tune and everything down but i dont think its good...'

  'AniAniAniyo... dont say that!' Chanyeol said and cupped my face. 'Cutie!'

  I blushed. 'I can't handle you!'

He pecks my lips. 'I love you.'

  'I know.' I stare down at his lips then back at his eyes. 'Back to work!' I tapped his nose with the end of my pencil.
*  *  *
'How long have you been working on that song?' Chanyeol asked, he treated me for ice cream.

'Um, a month before i came here, i really liked making up random songs in my head but i forget it every time i want to write it down.' I laugh.

He laughs too. 'Wow, you act as if you're an idol already! I cant do that, even now.'

I smiled. 'You're too nice.'

Chanyeol gave a pain expression. 'I cant be nice to my girlfriend?!'

'Im kidding!' I pushed him.

He laughed. 'Do you feel like we knew each other for a long time even though we just started to get to know each other?'

   I thought. 'Humm... well you were my bias so, I practically knew everything about you.'

  'That's creepy.'

I scrunched my face at him. 'You love that i am your fangirl.'

  'Yes, i do.' He leaned down a gave me a gentle kiss. 'I love you.'

  'I love you.' I smiled.

And we continued to eat the ice cream and walk in the park.
  *  *  *
We decided to go over my house.

'Come, I want you to meet Ryan.' I pulled him to Ryan's room.

'I already did.' He whined.

'Oh hey, you guys... Chanyeol.' Ryan waved from him.

'Hiiii....' He awkwardly waves.

My face was like 0o0. 'When?'

'When you were hurt and you were asleep...' Ryan rubbed the back of his neck.

'Soooorry...' Chanyeol gave me an innocent smile, 'At least you didn't have to sit though awkwardness.'

I sighed. 'Yeah, whatever, I'll let you guys talk.' I left those two to make some hot chocolate and find a movie.

I placed the two mugs o the coffee table. 'Chaan-opppa~' I sang out.

'Aww, does he have to?!' Ryan whined. I gave him the really look. 'Im just kidding, go.'

   'Ohhh, hot chocolate and a movie?' Chanyeol asked cutely, and plopping himself on the couch.

I giggled, 'Yup.' I sat into his arms.
'What are we watching?' He hugged me close.

'Woman in black 2.' I smiled.

'Waaaaeee?' Chanyeol cried.

'Relax Yeol...its not that scary and I don't like scary movies.' Ryan yelled from his room.

'I dont like horror movies either, this is a first...' I whispered to Chanyeol.
*  *  *
'AHHH!!' We both screamed.

  'I was just a bird!' I laughed.

'Ha you guys go scared of a bird.' Ryan laughed loudly.

  'SHUT UP RYAN!!!' We both yelled back at him and laughed.
  *  *  *
'Thanks for coming Oppa.' I leaned against the closed door from outside.

   'No problem.' Chanyeol hugged me.
He let go, our eyes met...OH I CANT TAKE IT!!! I pulled him by the coller of his shirt and pushed his soft lips against mine.

   He wrapped his arms around my waist, mine around his shoulders.
YAAAASSS IM KISSING CHANYEOL RIGHT NOW!!! [A.N: Im freaking out as much as you are Kim]

  He pulled away. 'Our first kiss..' He smiled.

   I smiled back, my cheeks turning pink.

'Goodnight Kimmy.' Chanyeol kissed my forehead like always and walked to his car.
  I waved.

He drove off. I put my hands on my cheeks, 'I just kissed Chanyeol.' I sighed in happiness.
  I opened the door.

'I KISSED CHANYEOL!!!' I screamed.

  'You what?' Ryan come from around the corner, and rushed over to me.
   'I kissed Chanyeol.' I squealed.

'What? That's amazing.' He hugged me.
'Wait, Chanyeol kissed you? My little cousin? OH HE'S GONNA GET IT!!' Ryan yelled jokingly.

I squealed again and ran to my room, jumped into my bed and squeezed Yeol, my bear, and kissed his head.

  'I kissed Chanyeol...' I gushed, blushing about it again.



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