Chapter 12

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12... OT12!! Panda Tao, Dragon Kris, Dear Deer Luhan!!! T^T
  I got my best friend(non kpopper) into kpop!!! She loves EXO especially Baekhyun... she only likes the newer ones tho. T^T
  Well at least something tho

"Don't give up on your dreams and keep working towards it."
    -Luhan, EXO
Im going to practice.. No Suprise. But something was different, Ryan wasn't home.. Where was he?
  I wore my regular clothes, joggers, tank top, hoodie, and converse.
I ate pre-made breakfast.
  "Im going somewhere with friends.. don't bother me. -Rye"
I haven't called him Rye since i was 5. I took the train, like i did when i was here with mom, why do i keep thinking back?
  When i got to the practice room, Song wasn't there.

  "Im sick"
She texted me.
  Wow... practicing alone.
I got my music out and did a few warm ups.

  'Alone today huh?' I heard a familiar voice. I turned and smiled.
  'What are you doing here?' I asked the tall elf eared giant [A.N: Basically describes Chanyeol]

  'Why can't i be here?' He mocked me.

'Whatever.' I rolled my eyes.

  'You did really well, shiny!' He smiled.
  I couldn't smile back, that was mom's nickname for me... only mom's.
'Are you ok, Kim?'

I nodded, but a few tears fell.

  'Kim. What's wrong?'

'I miss h-he-her' Tears kept falling.

  'Your mom?'
I nodded again.

  'Come here.' He gave me a tight hug.
A bear hug. 'You know she's here.. always..'

  I nodded, sounds like what mom said in my dream.
'Are you ok now?' Chanyeol gave me a smile.

  'Yeah, thanks Chan.'

'No problem.'

  He helped me practice, he played a little while i sang.



  'Why did you break down when i called you sh-'

  'Because.' I cut him off. 'Because, my mom used to call me that.' I sighed. 'She called me little star, hoping that I'd become famous and sing for everyone to hear. And she said she wanted to see me happy, happy about my life..'
  I looked at him. I never said that to anyone but Luna.. maybe we're closer than I thought.

  'She sounds amazing.' Chanyeol smiled, my heart went 100 miles in hour, NO AGAIN!!!

  'Yeah. She supported me to become a singer and musician but now..' I sighed.

  'Now?' He waited for an answer.

'Now, Im making her proud!' I smiled.
[A.N: KYA!! ChanKim moment, their relationship is perfect]
  'Ok break time over!!' He stood up. 'Back to practice!!'

  'Do we have to!!??' I whined.

'Yes, if you want to become a singer.'

  'Fine.' He pulled me up.

I showed him my song and he loved it and showed me some tricks and things I should work on.

  'CONGRATULATIONS!!' I heard someone sing.

  I turned. It was D.O and Chen. They where holding a guitar.

  'You guys!!' I screamed, they placed in my lap.

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