Hey guys... soo what is your thoughts on me ending this fic soon?? Me: MORE TIME FO 'BEING AN IDOL'S GIRL'!! Readers: ASTRO NOOO WE CANT LET THIS GOO~ TT-TT Me: But Jungkook needs me *reaches out to Jungkook* Me: ^~^> -THE OCEAN PLUS OTHER STUFF, THEN KOREA- Jungkook... Me: too far >~< ____😫____ Chanyeol has been busy with making the new album (EX'ACT album) [A.N i know i know its already out but im improvising] and i have no time to see him because of practice...but at least i can see him tonight at the exo party!! – – – "Kim, 4th anniversary of exo come on you cant wear that to the party." Song whined as i wore my tshrit dress.
"But its comfortable." I whined... i dont like dressing up. I pouted as i sat on the bed.
"Kim. Come on wear thiiis." She bought me a floral dress. [A.N I'll show u later]
I looked at it. "It is cute."
"I know, put it on."
"Ok." I changed in my closet and looked at my big mirror on the door. GEEZ IM SO F-ING PRETTY!!! I walked out to show Song she got up and screeched.
I giggled.And im gonna die seeing all the guys in suits... all i could imagine was...
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Yes Chanyeol may be my boyfriend but he's also my UB, and in which makes me fall more in love with him.
"I really like it." I spun around and looked at the mirror.
"What are you gonna wear for the ending preformance?"
I shrugged. "I don't know, my tshrit dress, boots, my star necklace..."
"That'll be good." Song's phone vibrated, she looked at the message. "I gotta go ok."
"Ok, bye."
"Bye." – – – I'm alone again in my room. I lay flat down on my bed and I fiddled around with my phone in one hand.
"Call Chanyeol, seeing you sad makes me upset." I heard Ryan say. I sat up and saw him at the door.
He walked to me and sighed. "He might be my friend but i dont wanna see my little cousin upset because he's an idol and he cant see her." I looked at him.
"Good." He ruffled my hair and walked out.
That was something a little different... – – – At 5 I called him. "Chanyeol?"
"Yes Kimmy?"
"Can you pick me up early?"
"Sure, is there something wrong?"
"No, no nothing's wrong, i just want to see you, i love you."
"Ok, i love you too bye."
I sighed, ugh... my life is weird. I got dressed and put my hair up with a little bow.
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Time to knock him off his feet, i wore my wedges that Song also bought for me. I walked downstairs.
"Going out somewhere?" Ryan asked.
"Uh yeah, EXO's 4th anniversary."
"You look nice."
"Thank you."
"Tell me again why I wasn't invited."
"Cuz Chanyeol could only invite one person."
"Then why you going." I gasped. "Im kidding im kidding." He poured his coffee and walked to his room. "Have fun."
The doorbell rang. I (tried) ran to the door and Chanyeol was standing there in a dress shirt and pants, a tie, and wearing a leather jacket [A.N: Like what he was wearing in miracles in December]
"Hi." He gave me a big smile and I smiled back.
"Um." Chanyeol cleared his throat. "I have something for you." He sat down on the porch railing and brought out a box. [A.N Caaaalm everyone too early for that... if u know what i mean (Marriage)] There were couple rings.
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He gestured me towards him. I walked to him. Chanyeol wrapped an arm around my waist. And put the ring on my index finger and he did it to his.
"It's beautiful." I looked at him and back to him.
He leaned closer to me a gently kisses me. I kissed back. He smiled into the kiss and stopped. "I love you you know that right?"
I smiled. "Maaaybe." I but my lip from smiling at Chanyeol pouting.
"YO CHANYEOL!!" Ryan yelled and opened the door. "Ooooohhh I didn't cockblock you did i?"
Chanyeol and I laughed. "No no you're cool."
"Good. Uh i just wanted to say hey and congrats on the 4 years."
"Thanks man."
"No prob. See ya guys." He waved.
"Bye." We waved back.
Chanyeol sighed and smiled at me. "We better get going."
"Ok." – – – 45 minutes later we come to the Han River. We both got out of the car.
I brushed off my skirt. "How do i look?"
"Perfect as always." He gave me a small wink and smirk before taking my hand and into the restaurant. ___😊___ HOLA!! My trip in Florida was great my cousin came back with us stayed for a week and went back yesterday... or on Thursday cuz its 1:00 am Saturday MIND=BLOWN
All mine by F(x) was adorable the mv was so cute NICE JOB AMBER WITH FILMING!!