Chapter 1

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My name is Rachel Dreyer, sister of Laxus Dreyer and granddaughter of Markorov Dreyer. These two are the only ones who know of my existence. I was abandoned when I was extremely young, but not so young that I don't remember who Mr grandfather and brother are, and was raised by Miyu, the Queen of the Ice Dragons. Which, if you have guessed, makes me an ice dragon slayer. After she disappeared, I began my search for a place to call home. I eventually found Fairy Tale, a magic guild, where I was reunited with my grandfather and brother.

I was on my way home from an S-class mission when I saw a group from Twilight Ogger running away from our guild hall. I chuckled to myself knowing that our guild must have scared them somehow. I walked up to the building and sighed at the rickety sight. I guess this is what happens when you become the weakest guild in the entire country. I avoided the door and peeked through the window. I saw everyone talking and laughing and rejoicing. I sat there watching my guild mates wishing that I could interact with them, but for there own safety, I cannot. I then ceased my wishing when I saw a pink haired begin to sniff the air. I ducked down with horror pleading, to no one in particular, for him to not find me. But as my luck should have it, he came over to the window. I held my breath as he stuck him head out of the window. He was about to head back in when he looked down and saw me and yield at me. I gasped and began ran away when I felt something tug on the cloak I was using to hide myself. It cloaked me until I undid the clasp and tumbled forward. I lost my balance and fell to the ground, rolling a few feet. I quickly sprang back up as I saw the pink haired boy drop my cloak and begin to charge at me. By now the entire guild was outside watching the two of us. The Boy tried to hit me multiple time, but I just dogged the attacks. I eventually got fed up with this routine and side-kicked him in the stomach, knocking the air out of him. I then swept him off his feet, causing him to land on the ground while letting out a groan. I turned on my heals and walked over and scooped up my cloak. I then proceeded to throw it over my shoulders and have it cover my body.

It was only then did I turn and look at the astonished guild. I then saw the Master, or my gramps, sigh and shake his head.

"I thought you told me you would only come in at night?" He said.

I shrugged and replied, "I completely ran out of money from my last job just trying to get back here. I need cash gramps."

He again sighed and shook his head.

"I guess now that you are revealed to everyone, that you will start coming in during the day like a normal person?" He questioned.

"I suppose," I responded completely disregarding his insult.

"Well come on in and introduce yourself before either Laxus or I do it for you." He said while he turned and headed into the guild hall. I shrugged and turned to the pink haired boy who was still laying on the ground. I guess I was a little hard on him because he was passed out. I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder like he weighed nothing and walked into the guild hall. I gently set him down in one of the few chair as he started to come to.

"Hey Pinky!" I said as I snapped my fingers in his face. This caused him to shoot his eyes open and state at me. "You alright?" I asked.

He shrugged. That's what I deserved.

"Ya, sorry. I went a little rough on you." I said sheepishly as I scratched the back on my head. I then turned my head as I heard gramps clear his throat as a sign to introduce myself. I sighed and began to do the inevitable.

"Hi, my name's Rachel  Dreyer." I said. Everyone stared at me as if expecting more.

"That's it." I said shrugging my shoulders. I heard and saw Laxus groan and face palm himself. He then walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Listen up! She is one of our elite wizards and is a proud member of our guild." He boomed. I got some quizzical looks so I took off my cloak, turned around, and moved my hair out of the way in order to show the dark blue guild mark that rested in between my shoulder blades. I then turned around as Laxus continued to explain things.

"And this goes directly to every man in this guild," he said in a serious tone," if I catch you anywhere near her, you won't live to see the next sunrise."

I sighed as the boy with the pink hair spoke up, "Oh come on Laxus! What is she, your girlfriend or something?"

"No, she's my-" I cut him off by elbowing him in the gut.

"Idiot, we had an agreement."

"Ya, ya, Whatever smart-alick." He retorted.

This just aggravated me.

"Fine, lighting rod!" I exclaimed.

"Ice cube!"




"That's enough!" We both turned to look at our very annoyed grandfather.

"Sorry gramps." I muttered.

"Psh! Whatever!" Laxus spat. I then stomped on his foot.

"Ack!!! I'm sorry!!!" He said while shooting me a glare. I sat there and smirked.

"What am I going to do with the two of you?" He asked himself.

I giggled and shrugged. After that a blonde girl approached me.

"Hi! My name's Lucy!" She said.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you!" I smiled.

"Here, let me introduce you to everyone." She said. She went on to do so, but there was only a few that I really took care to listen about.

Ezra was a young woman who wore armor, had requip magic, and had long scarlet hair. Gray was a young man who rarely had a shirt on, had ice-make magic,and had raven colored hair. Wendy was a young girl who turned out to be a wind dragon slayer and had long blueberry hair. The pink haired boy's name was Nastu, he had a firey temper and was a fire dragon slayer.(oh the irony!) Then there were three exceeds, or..... cats that have feathery wings, can fly, and talk. First, their was Happy, he was smallish and blue with a queer attitude. Then there was Carla, who was white and was very prim and proper. Finally, there was Panther Lilly, he was black with a nasty looking scar over his left eye. It turns out he was a war general. I laughed at first, but when he used magic and was able to become larger than me, I stopped.

Lucy and I were having a friendly conversation when my own exceed, Snowdrop, came flying through the door. She was a crying, blubbering mess. I caught her small white figure in my arms and smiled down at her. She eventually calmed down. I looked around to see everyone staring at me.

"Dear, tell me, what kind of magic do you use?" Carla asked.

"I use ice-" I was cut off by Gray.

"Ha! She uses ice-make magic! Natsu you owe me fifty jewel!" He cheared.

"No let me finish." I said to him. I turned back to Carla and continued. "As I was saying, I use ice dragon slaying magic, why?" I asked.

The room erupted with cheers. I knew being a dragon slayer was a big deal, but not that big of a deal.

~time skip cuz I am lazy~

After the party, Laxus and I headed to his place. When we got there I hung my coat up as he went and sat down on the couch. I walked over and cuddled up next to him.

"Hey Laxus?" I said.


"Ya know I didn't mean any of the things I said earlier today right?"

"Of course! We both kind of put up a front around people. Don't worry about it sis." He said.

"Okay." I smiled to myself as I rested my head on his shoulder and quickly fell asleep.

Hey! Thanks for reading this! If you are confused about something, feel free to Message me about it and i will try my best to clear things up for you! Remember to vote, comment, and or subscribe! Thanks! Bai!

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