Chapter 3

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~Rachel's POV

"Rachel! What do you mean you are gonna fly?!" Said Gramps.

"Makorov, listen. Rachel has become incredibly strong since Tenrou island disappeared seven years ago. " Macao interjected.

"How strong is that?" Gramps inquired.

I turned around and smiled causing Gramps to become noticeably nervous. Everyone was now listening to our conversation.

"Well, while you all were gone she managed to become a wizard saint." Macao replied. Gramps eyes grew as large as saucers. He then turned to me and spoke.

"My dear," Gramps started. "What rank are you?"

My smile grew huge at this question. I held up my first finger as I giggled like a school girl. His mouth dropped to the floor in shock. After a few minutes he was able to speak again.

"Y- your the first wizard saint?" Gramps choked out. I nodded slowly as murmurs filled the run down guild hall.

"Oh, and Rachel," Macao spoke up. "Since I am a former guild master and you have to respect my wishes, I forbid you from going to the person who wrote this letter. You would destroy him."

"What?!" I screeched. "But -"

"What do you mean 'him'?" Laxus boomed.

It was clear that he had switched into his protective big brother mode. Everyone who was on Tenrou island for the past seven years looked at Macao expecting an answer.

"He is someone from another guild who always decides to pick a fight with her, in or outside the ring." Macao explained.

Laxus shot me a warning glance and said that he wasn't going to let me go either. I tried to object but they both stood firm. I went to sit down in a chair but because of its condition, it broke under my weight. It didn't help that I sat down with force. I soon found myself on the floor swearing under my breath which earned me a death stare from Laxus. Before I could sit up a small white cat with light blue eyes was sitting on my stomach looking down at me.

"Are you alright Rachel?" She squeaked.

"Don't worry Snowdrop, I'm fine." I responded.

I stood up while cradling the small exceed. I walked upstairs while Macao explained what the GMGs were. I sighed as I sat down on one of the worn down beds in the abandoned infirmary. I laid down and closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep as I dreamt about him.

~Three days before the Grand Magic Games~

It was finally time to find out who was going to be on the team for the GMGs. I have been training with Nastu, Erza, Lucy, Gray, Wendy, the exceeds, and a few other people. While we were training we ran into some people that almost everyone knew but me. It turned out to be a good thing that we ran into to them because Ultear unlocked everyone's second origin, thus making us even more powerful.

Our group barged through the door with excitement about the games. We were a loud and clumsy mess, so we made and entrance that got everyone's attention.

"Aha! There you are I was just about to announce who will be participating in the games." Gramps said.

We all gathered around him in anticipation. I couldn't see so I went to the back of the group and summoned my dragon wings.

Because on an incident that happened to me when I was little, I lost most of my blood and my heart was shot so it wasn't working properly. So my mother, Miyu, transfered her blood into me to save me, she also cast a spell that  healed my heart. But because of this I was never fully human, I became half dragon. And with this, I am able to transform into a dragon, somewhat. This also allows me to sprout dragon wings and fly.

I quietly flew up into the air and waited for the Master to announce who will be participating.

"Listen up! The group I have selected will garantee us to be the victors! The group representing Fairy Tail is....

Wendy as a replacement player...




Lucy..... And........


The guild erupted with cheers for the team that would be representing Fairy Tail.

"Now go and pack, we leave in an hour by train!"

Everyone quickly followed out the Master's order and was waiting at the station in half an hour. I talked quietly with a few people from the guild as I waited for the train. Once it pulled up, all of the color drained from my face. I turned and saw Snowdrop giving me a sympathetic look as we walked closer the train. I quickly secured my luggage and found a window seat. I knew the next two hours were going to be miserable.

~Two hours later~

We had finally arrived in Crocus and made it to the hotel. Me and Snowdrop got our room and went up to it. I flopped down on the bed still feeling sick and tired from my motion sickness. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up it was 11:30. Snowdrop promptly announced that Erza wanted to see me up on the roof. I nodded and went up to the roof. Erza smiled when she saw me and motioned for me to come look at the city with her.

"Snowdrop said you wanted to see me, if everything alright?" I asked.

"Everything is fine, we just got word that all teams are to be up in the roofs by 12:10, but I wanted to talk to everyone before hand."

"Oh! Okay, but where are the others?"

"Gray is in his room and Lucy went with Happy and Nastu to explore, speaking of those three have you seen them? I told them to be back by midnight."

"No, I- Oh! Look! Here they come!" I said while pointing toward the little figures running toward the inn. I then looked at Erza and saw that she had a dark aura around her.

"W-what's wrong?"I asked nervously.

"They're late!" She said darkly.

I turned to the clock and saw that it read 12:05. I gulped knowing that they were going to die. Gray arrived with them and I could tell that Erza was about to explode. She drew in a breath to speak but then a giant pumpkin head came out of no where. It explained that we were going to have an elimination round before the actual games. He then explained the rules and told everyone good luck. He disappeared as a bridge to the arena appeared. We cheered as we all charged in.

We have been searching for the goal for almost two hours. Everyone still had hope but it was quickly disappearing. I let our a huge sigh as Nastu shouted, "Hey! There it is!" We ask ran to the goal as fast as we could and when we got there everyone began cheering. The pumpkin man came and congratulated us on making it to the actual games. Nastu became over excited and demanded to know if we were first. Everyone else was dumbfounded when they heard that we were last.

"Come on guys, we have been searching foot the goal for approximately, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 48 seconds, and 96 milliseconds." Everyone was even more dumbfounded when I reached the amount of time it took us. I shrugged it off and announced that I was heading back to the inn. I walked away smiling, knowing that Fairy Trail was going to win the Grand Magic Games this year.

Yay! Chapter 3 is finished! Sorry for the mistakes , I did this on my phone

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