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Corruption is a disease that seeps and saturates like nothing else. The Land of the Forsaken, commonly known as Force, has earned its macabre name for a reason. Where women are mothers by day and prostitutes by night, desperation is an ever palpable taste in the air. The Aris are the only ones who come out on top; slaves who fled the Five Nations during the Quakes and now delight in exerting their sweet authority over the damned populace. Nereyda sets foot on the cursed soil and the survival games begin. 


Please note: 

- Everything I am writing is a first draft and I am painfully aware of how shit some of it is. I am always making improvements but if you have anything to add, I would love to hear from you. 

- Everything is going into THIRD PERSON from here on out. I apologise for making this weird, but, if it is any consolation, Part One will be going into third at some point too. 

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