I Told You So

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"Hell Brianna! That's where we are walking through. You know that don't you?" My annoying but amazing friend Cameron says as we walk through the woods.

We're currently on our way to our "spot". The "spot" is where the 2 of us and a bunch of our other friends go to hang out when we're sick of life. Cameron, despite my protests, decided to where shorts, to go walking through the middle of nowhere. So it is not my fault that he is getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. "I told you so." I smartly remark.

He groans and pulls on the strings of his Nike hoodie. "Guys. I think they're here." I hear a voice say as we approach the "spot".

Naturally I know this voice belongs to Vanessa, the cat loving, weirdo, from down the street. "No shit Sherlock." Jaymi says as Cam and I approach the ladder to our treehouse.

"I'm so fucking fat. Too much exercise." I say climbing up the first 5 steps before having to stop.

"C'mon, we have freaking pizza which is getting cold." Savannah says making both Cameron and I climb 20 times faster than before.

Only when we got up there, there was no pizza. I crawled to a corner of the tree house and cried. People can't just lie to me like that what the fuck. I looked around the tree house and realized something was different. It wasn't the sight of the thing, it was the feeling. It felt like danger was near, like this was going to be our last night to ever do anything. "You know, I was thinking, maybe we could all just live here." Jonathan says causing all of us to laugh.

For a kid who has always been smarter than me, this had to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard him say. "Yeah right. How are we gonna survive?" Cam asks.

"I'm not saying we should live in a tree house, that would be stupid, I'm saying we should all build a very large cabin for us to just live in. We can stock it up with everything. This can be our own little world out here." He says quickly explaining himself.

"It could be our own camoflauge." I say as we all find ourselves surrounded by a deep silence.

And I was right, it was our own camoflauge, until it came.

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