Day 1 •Why•

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(P.O.Vs switch to multiple characters in each chapter)

Brianna's P.O.V

Have you ever thought of or even had a scariest moment of your life? Probably not, well you can think that minor things are the worst when they are actually the best. Yeah, I've had those moments too. The scariest moment of my life was last night when it came down and started to shake the tree which the treehouse was built in. None of us had ever been so scared in our lives. We huddled together in a circle and waited for it to end, but it didn't, not until each and everyone of us was flung from the treehouse. We all got seperated, no one ended up in the same place. I heard the screams, and I heard the cries. But I also heard the silent cry that it was making. It was the cry of one who does not cry often. The saddest thing that you've ever heard in your life. If you paid to much attention it could paralyze you and you'd die. But if you sucked it up, stood up, and ran, you'd be completely fine. And that's what I did. I pulled my shit together, stood up and ran looking for someone that could help. I knew I was close to one of my friends when I heard the heavy breathing and the footsteps. "He-Hello?" I heard Vanessa's shaky voice call out.

"Easiest way to fucking die in a horror movie Vanessa. Ssh." I say turning the flashlight from my phone on.

When did it get so dark? I walk over to the girl and we both sit on a boulder to catch our breath. "Do you hear it?" She quietly asks

"Hear what?" I ask back.

"The crying." She answers.

Of course I heard it. Everyone heard it. There was no escaping it. The only thing you could do was drown it out. "Of course I hear it. But don't listen to it. Emotions are always what tears us down Vanessa. Do you hear me?" I ask and she nods her head.

With that we run off to find the others.


Cameron's P.O.V

I KNEW SOMETHING WAS GOING TO GO WRONG. I KNEW IT. I decided that the minute I put these hideous shorts on. Out of nowhere this thing came out and violently shook the treehouse flinging us all out of it. Definitely the scariest thing to ever happen to me. Even though it was dark and I couldn't see anything because of this sudden darkness, I saw it.  It was a tall and wide figure. With white hair and brown skin. It was, a monster, as us humans would call it. I could tell that it was severely pissed off, maybe from us building a treehouse in the middle of its home. Maybe for us destroying its home. Maybe for us being too loud, having too much fun. All these maybes, but no one will ever know the definite reason. Normally I'm not so deep, but now that I know for sure I am close to death, everything I say is going to get really deep. A scream could be heard. The scream belonged to Jaymi. I think she's dead because it was a short but deafening scream. The one you scream when you're about to get shout or a stranger is trying to kidnap you. Then an ear piercing beeping noise could be heard. It was all that was audible. When did it get so dark? I am able to see a little light, as bright as the light of a flashlight before I drop down to my knees. I look up at the figure approaching me and realize its Jonathan. He's covered in blood. A few seconds later the sound is gone. "Who.. who's blood is that?" I ask and he wipes a tear from his eye.

"Its.. its Jaymi's. Sh-She's de-dead. That thing killed her." He said as the tears flow frequently from his eyes. "C'mon. I found a place where we can go to sit for a minute and fi-" Jonathan was cut off by the stick that snapped.

"Cam, Jonathan is that you?" Savannah asked.

"Yeah Sav, c'mon. Come with us so we can find the others." I say.

"I know where they are you dweeb." She says, a bug bubble of relief lifts off my chest. "I am the bean queen I know where everyone is." She threw a bunch of beans at me.

I knew exactly what she was trying to do. Calm us down so we knew it would be alright, even though it wouldn't because we're all gonna fucking die in these damn woods. I stand up and follow Jonatham and Savannah to the others. There I see Brianna, Vanessa, Caroline, Sara, and Riley. "Everyone else is dead." Caroline whispers like she can barely grasp what's going on.

Why! Why us?


Jonathan's P.O.V

Getting potatoes thrown at me at her last birthday was something I could bare. But watching that thing eat her alive, and having her blood splatter all over me, I almost fucking lost it. She's my best friend and now she's gone because that stupid thing had an apetite for potato loving girls. Jesus. I ran away from the scene hoping it didn't hear me. As I continues running I saw a figure kneeling on the ground hands over its ears. I realized it was Cameron and a few seconds later Savannah joined the 2 of us. She lead us to where her, Vanessa, Caroline, Brianna, Sara, and Riley had been hiding. They were hiding in this underground bunker thing. Turns out everyone else was dead and we didn't even get to say goodbye. "No. No. No. I don't fucking buy it. Where the hell did this thing even fucking come from? Why the hell weren't we warned about it before? Not once in our lives has anyone ever told us to stay out of the woods or else you'll be hunted down by a monster." Brianna exclaims.

Vanessa smacks her and tells her to shut up. The girl then stands up off the couch and goes into a room where we hear her slam the door, sit on the bed and sob. "I have an idea let's make it through the night before we start yelling and hitting eachother." Cameron smartly remarks.

Vanessa snaps back at him before everyone starts arguing. "Do me a favor." Sara starts.

"And shut up." We all say in unison which ended our arguement.

"We need some really great camouflage if we are gonna survive this hell hole." Brianna says sticking her head out of the door and then entering the room again.


Savannah' P.O.V

"Did it ever occurr to you that we shouldn't be out in the woods in the first freaking place?" I asked as soon as I found Caroline, Sara, and Riley. "Maybe if Jonathan didn't give us the stupid idea to build a treehouse in the middle of nowhere that we could get away from our parents and the other problems in the freaking world. We wouldn't be out here trying to survive right now. Would we?" I continue.

I know for a fact that I'm being to loud but I'm just very freaked out. Like what comes out of the middle of nowhere just to freaking throw us out of a treehouse so it can come out and hunt us one by one. Riley heard Jaymi's death scream. Caroline saw it happen. WHAT THE BEANS? "Savannah just calm down." Caroline said of course trying to calm me down.

But as the words left her mouth I tripped over something sticking out of the ground and squealed on the way down. Riley stood away from us and started laughing. "What the actual. What is this?" I ask squatting over the thing I tripped on.

It looked like it was a door handle, so I pulled it up and it was completely dark. "Um, Sav maybe we should-" Caroline was cut off.

"Weeee." I yell as I jump down the dark hole, which wasn't a very good idea.

Just kidding I landed in one of those soft block boxes, thinga mabobs. "Watch out Savannah!" Sara yelled down the hole as she too jumped. "Welp I can scratch this off my bucket list." Causing us both to laugh.

I took my phone out and turned the flashlight on as Sara landed. I looked at the room or underground bunker we landed in as Caroline and Riley joined the party. "Wow guys. I found an under ground bunker."


(A/N this is probably the worst book I've ever written. I've never wrote a book with this genre type. Its actually pretty cool. Lmao. Stay tuned. xoxo-Brianna)

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