Day 2 •Survival Of The British•

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Jonathan's P.O.V

"Survival of the British." Sara sings causing Brianna to stop walking.

I have never seen her stop doing anything so fast before like never. "The fuck did you just say?" She said looking at Sara.

"Survival of the British." Sara says repeating herself. "You know its a line in New Americana by Halsey."

"It is SURVIVAL OF THE RICHEST. NOT SURVIVAL OF THE BRITISH." Brianna yelled clapping between every word. "Stuck in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of fucking white people my ass." I hear her mumble.

I did feel kind of bad for her being stuck out in the middle of the woods with a bunch of white people who know how to get themselves killed in a matter of seconds. Take Jaymi as an example. She didn't run like I told her to and she's dead now. God, RIP Jaymi. "You know if you weren't such a stuck-up bitch all the time, people would actually like you. Take me as an example. I hate your guts and I really wish that thing had eaten you already." Josh, who we found on the way to look for the road explained.

With that Brianna took off and didn't turn back. "Bri! Wait!" Riley called after her but she didn't wait.

She just kept running and running, until finally we couldn't see her anymore. Smooth move Josh. Real smooth. We didn't bother going after her because it was dark and even though there were no instructions on how to survive in the woods with this thing, we just sort of knew we shouldn't be outside at night. Well they didn't know, I told them this because no one listens to Jonathan, never. So we began our walk back to the bunker where we'd be safe. We all silently prayed for our lost friend as we walked. We thought that she'd be safe but we all knew way better than to think that. She was better dead than alive. Less suffering for her to do. Its the rest of us, me, Sav, Caroline, Josh, Cam, Vanessa, Riley, and Sara that have to bare the pain of the deaths of all of our friends. But if she's alive she has to too. "Jonathan c'mon. Hurry up and jump down." Cameron says.

I take one last look around the woods hoping to see a sign of Brianna and jump down the chute.


Brianna's P.O.V

Alone, scared, angry, were all things that I was. But I shouldn't have let that stupid asshole drive me out of the group. We didn't magiacally get How To Survive In The Woods Handbook when we were thrown from that horrid tree. It was common sense that we should naturally hide. But I had no idea where I was. So if I were to hide it'd be under a bush, which would help me 0% trying to hide from this thing. I tried to think of ways I could locate the group but my phone wasn't on me, meaning I lost my only way of getting found and my source of light was gone. So I began walking until I heard a light humming sound. It was the sound that an electric fence makes but fainter, like it was close but not too close. This thing clearly didn't want us to leave the woods.

As I walked I tripped over something and then I heard talking. So I felt around the ground in the pitch black before I heard the steps. The steps got louder and louder and louder until I successfully found the door handle and climbed down the ladded shutting the door with a window on it behind me. Just in time too because that thing came by literally 5 seconds after I shut the door. "Um. You the hell are you?" I hear a female voice ask.

"My name is Brianna. I come in peace." I say trying to get them to drop their weapons.

"There's no escaping the woods until its dead you know." Says an older looking teenaged boy. "Only once its dead does its trap die."

Great way to freak me out dude. Great way. "I'm Luke." He holds his hand out tor me to shake.

So I do and wow his hands are smooth.

Sara's P.O.V

All I did was change the lyrics to a song to try and lighten things up but no, that changed everything. If Josh didn't open his mouth we'd still have eight people instead of seven. This whole thing is so unreal. We've been coming to the treehouse all our lives amd bam, its just gonna show up and kill us, just like that. "Why can't we just kill him already?" I hear Jonathan ask no one because everyone was supposed to be asleep.

"Because we don't deserve who lives and dies and any person is a good person in our situation." Cam responds.

"Go to bed loser." We hear an unexpected voice say.

It was Brianna's. Turning on the light, because the switch is by my bed we all sit up and looked around. We didn't see her at all. "BOO!" The not-so invisible girl yells, she's standing over Cameron.

"Fuck. Shit. Bitch. Dickballs!" He yells putting his blanket over his head amd laying down.

We can all tell he just shit his pants. "You okay Cam?" Josh asks.

We hear a grunt. "I forgive you Josh. For being a oversized jerk to me for forever. For being a jerk to everyone else. For buying me cookies at lunch and then eating them. For calling me trash, your slave. All of it. I forgive you." She says to the boy who's better off dead.

We don't hear his response because a guy walks up behind Bri. He slightly resembles Luke Hemmings from 5SOS. "Hi. I'm Luke." He says putting his right hand on her left shoulder. "And I'm here to keep you all out of the trouble that I think you're gonna get yourselves in."

"What trouble? Are we not supposed to be surviving?" Jonathan asked.

"I never said that. Now before I get into talking about the trouble, you guys are gonna rest up. See you in the morning." He said walking away from us, Bri slowly following behind him, like he was more important than the rest of her friends.


A/N: um this sucks srry.

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