Day 3 •I Swear To God•

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Cameron's P.O.V

I didn't mind this Luke character but when he decided to wake us all up at 5 o'clock in the morning, I was ready to strangle him. "What the beans do you want?" Savannah yells, head in her pillow.

Brianna was literally shaking a can of dry beans in her ear fo get her up and out of bed. "Get your lazy ass up." Vanessa says. "You Boston Bitch."

Savannah sits up, grabs the can of beans and throws them at Vanessa, hitting her right in the face, as expected. Vanessa starts crying. "Now shut up!" Sav yells.

Everyone shuts up as she get out of bed. We shut up because we were afraid that she was gonna throw the can of beans at one of us. After she went to the bathroom we all resumed talking while Brianna and Luke tries getting Vanessa's nose to stop bleeding. "Vanessa if you don't stop moving I will break your f-" Brianna stops talking because she hears it.

I definitely am never going into the woods again, if we survive this. The footsteps are right above us and it sounds like its trying to get in. "We. Gotta. Run. Follow me!" Luke exclaims as Sav comes out of the bathroom.

We all follow behind Luke and Bri, because apparently the two love birds spent some "quality" time with eachother last night. Yeah, they toured half of the woods. That's great "quality time". "What's with them?" Josh asks me 

"Apparently, Brianna wandered into Luke's base, which is connected to their base. They almost killed her, but since Luke is their leader, he decide not to shoot meaning they couldn't shoot. So Luke took her into his room and showed her the map of the entire woods. Then he took her on a tour of the bunker which goes for half of the woods. Then they got here." I say as we fastly walk.

We realize that we're way behind everyone else and start running faster to catch up with the crew.


Riley's P.O.V

Sara was the first person I found after we got thrown out of the tree. Since then she's been latched onto me. I don't know why though. Ugh. This Luke kid is kinda, wait no really freaky. I find it impossible that he's managed to survive in the woods this long with that thing even though its kida rude to not even find out what it is before we catergorized it. "Fuck tha police comin' straight from the underground." Brianna shouts.

"Brianna! That thing could be tracking us right now and all you're worried about is NWA. Bitch, I want to live!" Vanessa yelled at her.

We all laughed, even Brianna. "Luke I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I hear a deep whisper say behind us.

I don't think anyone else heard it but I stopped and turned around. There was a human figure. I couldn't see anyother of its features. Sara noticed I stopped running and looked back and then she screamed. "What is it?" Savannah asked turning around, she too looked frightened.

"Two fucking years, I have been tracking you. I am so glad I have the pleasure of finally killing you and all of my new guests. The fear radiating off of you all gave me new powers in which I can change from my monster form to the form of a human or anything else I want. Now you're all fucking dead." The thing said cackling an evil laugh afterwards.
"The Spirach." Luke mumbles. "Shit. I should've known."

"Well the Spirach is about to meet one pissed off black girl." Brianna says walking forward. "Er'body need a lil ghetto in their lives. You ready for yours?" She pulls a sword, I think its a Kitana out of nowhere.

"Umm, Brianna where the hell did you get a Kitana from?" Cam asks

"I pulled it out of my ass, duh." She answered.

Reasons why we love Brianna. She took the blade out of its case and held it out in front of her. We all stepped back. The Spirach laughed again. "You cannot defeat me with that tiny blade." He spits.

"Maybe not but this tiny blade will cut your dick off." She says and then swings the blade. It hits the monster in the left arm, which travels down through his body to his right foot. "Holy Shit." She whispers and then shouts it.


Savannah's P.O.V

"You cut its dick off. Oh my God. Oh My God. OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Josh exclaimed.

Well that was something I never thought I'd see in my life. Guess I was wrong. Lol. Before we watched the body that was now cut in half fall to the ground it pixelated and then disappeared. Once it was gone a long silence fell over us all. "Brianna. What happened to you?" Vanessa and Sara asked in unison.

"She turned badass. Shut the fuck up." I say to them all.

They all do shut up and then Cameron and Josh start joking about her. Brianna heard and pulled her Kitana back out. Once she did she cut Cameron and Josh in half. "Rip our fucking friendship." She says to the 2 laying on the floor. "Rip all of our friendships." She says and then walks away with Luke.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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