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What should I do?

Hang up?

That wouldn't be nice.

But....its not a bad idea.

"H-Hi." I said.

"I'm so happy to hear you're voice again, Angel!" He said happily.

Wait a moment. How in the world did he get my phone number?

I know for sure that I didn't give it to him.

"Umm, how did you get my number?" I asked.

"I called every number in the phone book until I heard your voice, Angel."

I raised my eyebrows, that was a lot of numbers even though my last name did begin with a 'D'.

"Okay." I said with a nod. "Well, it's been good talking to you." I said as I began to end the call.

"No! No, please, Angel!"

I sighed and put the phone back to my ear.


"I would like to see you again, Angel."

I immediately shook my head. No. Nope. Not happening. Ain't gonna happen. Never. Even in Spanish - No.

Before I was able to respond I heard a voice on the other side, "Erik, who are you talking to?"

"The Angel." I heard Erik say simply.

"What? Erik, no! You can't do that!"

"Yes, I can."

"No, y-" I heard a sigh, "Give me the phone, Erik."



"Now, Erik."


Then I didn't hear anything for a couple of seconds.

"I'm only going to speak with her for a couple of minutes." I heard the other guy speak into the phone.

"One minute and 59 seconds. One minute and 58 seconds...." I faintly heard Erik counting. Is he for real?

Nadir signed, I'm assuming it's him, "Hello, this is Nadir speaking. One of the men you met in the grocery store." I heard him take a breath and heard some fumbling of papers on the other line, "I'm assuming your Christine Daae?"

I nodded even though he couldn't see, and added. "Yes, I am. Were you the one in the hat?" I asked.

"Yes, that was me. I want to apologize for Erik's behavior. You see, the medicine he is taking for pain is having on side effects."

I nodded, "What type of side effects?"


"I see." I said softly.

I heard another sigh, "Yes, he sees you as a true Angel. There isn't really anything we can do about it."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, I should know. I'm his doctor, as well as his friend."

"Oh." I said with a nod. "What should I do? He wants to see me again."

"I figured as much. Erik is harmless. He wouldn't dare hurt you. Not his Angel."

I gave a small laugh.

"He will be finished with his medicine by next week. Then, he will never bother you again. I'm sure of it."

I nodded and sighed. I didn't really know what to say.

"3. 2. 1!" I heard Erik say just as he took back the phone. "Angel!"

"...Hey, Erik!" I tried to sound happy.

"The Angel knows my name." I heard him whisper, probably not meaning for me to hear. "Angel, can I see you again?"

It's only for two weeks. Just two weeks. Fourteen days.

I could do this.


"Thank you, Angel! Thank you! Can I see you now?"

"Umm, not right now, Erik." I said as I looked at my watch. "I need to be getting to bed soon."

"Tomorrow then?" He asked eagerly.

"I....Umm...I." I sighed softly and nodded. "Ye-"

"Thank you! Thank you!"


"Where do you want to meet? When?"

"I...4:00 in the Populaire Park?"

"In the morning or afternoon, Angel?" 

In the morning? Was he serious? I would never get up at 4:00 in the morning.

"Afternoon, Erik."

"I can't wait to see you, Angel." He said happily.

I nodded. "Yeah..." I cleared my throat. "I gotta get going, Erik. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you soon, my Angel."

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