Movie night

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Madison's POV

I wonder if Emily's ok? she ran to the bathroom really fast. I wish I knew her well enough to go in there and comfort her or that I was just that type of person who always is there, kind of like Louis. After Lauren left they all came out of the bathroom

"hey so do you guys just want to watch a movie instead?" Louis asked we all looked at each other and nodded. "lets watch a scary movie!" Jason says excidetly. "No lets watch a funny movie!" I whined. I felt like laughing. "How about both....A Haunted House?" Mikey suggest. "That movie is Hilarious!!" Linsey said. "No I want to watch mama" Emily finally speaks. "No The Possession" Paige yells. "NO WAY! Paige you know I hate that movie! There is a girl named Emily and she is 13, with brown eyes and brown hair! So no way!" We all started talking at once and it turns into this big argument. At that moment Layla walks in. "What in the world is going on?!" Layla says concerned. "Were trying to decide on what movie to watch" Jason says as every one gets quiet. "What are the options?" Layla asks. "A HAUNTED HOUSE, Mama. and The Possession" I said encourging the idea of A Haunted house. "Hmmm all good options but I'm going to have to go with.....The Possession!" Lalya says with a smirk. "O yeah, I told you guys it would be a good movie!" Paige says doing a victory dance. Emily pouts at the idea. Layla laughed while she asked "so boys do you want to entroduce me to these lovely ladies?" all the girls smiled "this is Emily, Linsey, Paige, and Vanessa." Louis said smiling. God his cheeks were so big. Just like Emily's.

They all said hello and shook hands with her. "Dude I just noticed, Emily has Louis cheeks!" I say "oh gosh I was hoping you wouldn't notice" Emily blushes. Everyone breaks out into laughter and Louis was pinching Emily's cheeks. "Now I'm not the only one yay!" Louis cheers. Layla laughs "Well it was nice meeting you guys, I've had a long day so I'm going to go to my room and go to sleep, Goodnight!" "Night Layla!"all four of us boys said in sync. I went to go put the movie in the DVD player while Mikey came up to me "hey mad I just found something out that you might like." Mikey said with a grin. "And what's that?" I said focused on the DVD player. "Linsey likes you" he said with the same grin. I quickly look his way. "Really? I thought she didn't like any of us she just wanted to be friends" wow did she really? I mean she's really pretty and funny and we had fun tonight. hmm maybe ill sit next to her by the movie. The movie started to play so we all took our seats. Linsey was sitting next to Emily who was sitting next to Mikey. They were on the couch. "is this seat taken?" I asked Linsey. "Nope" she smiled. I could see it in her eyes now.

After like 15 minutes of the movie I put my arm around her an moved closer. She moved closer too. I looked over at Emily and Mikey and they were close. I mean like extremely close. Emily was pretty much in his lap. I moved and whispered into Linseys ear "Hey so Emily and Mikey look pretty comfortable." She looked over at them. I got closer to her ear. "That could be us" I smiled still next to her ear. She adjusted herself so that her head was on my shoulder and her arms were around my waist. I had my head on her head. I was running my hands through her hair. We were almost done with the movie when I looked down at her and she looked up at me. She smiled. "You have a cute smile" she looked away trying to hide her blush. I gently grabbed the tip of her chin and moved her head towards mine. I went in slowly to kiss her and right as I was about to there was a screeching scream from the movie and it made her jump into my arms. I laughed and rubbed her arm. she was holding on to me. We went back to the movie. I kissed the top of her head. Right before I drifted off I saw from the corner of my eye Mikey and Emily. There faces were touching I think. I couldn't see what was going on clearly before I fell asleep.

Started in Cali ( A Mikey Fusco/Tobeone Love story)Where stories live. Discover now