Chapter 50- Guess Who's Back

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My brother dragged Liam along with him to do some personal shopping. Right now, I am terribly worried about both of them. We’re talking about my boyfriend and my OLDER BROTHER, shopping together. Who knows, they can talk about anything, and Chris might even make Liam run. I was telling Chris that I needed Liam with me, but apparently they needed to have guy talk.

I sighed, looking at the clock and dreading ever moment of it. So I decided to watch some TV series and catch up on movies. After a few episodes, I got bored and got my phone, wanting to call Liam. Suddenly, the door opened, thinking it was them, although it was the last person I would expect to see. Taylor stood in front of me, in a tank top and bright shorts. She smiled at me and waved. She looked thinner, if that was even possible.

My mouth dropped and I squealed. She ran to me and engulfed me in a huge hug. “Olivia! I missed you so much!” She cried. I was speechless, the last time I’ve seen her was such a long time ago. I heard she has this small modelling business. She let me go and said, “In case you were wondering, my manager gave me a month off. So I decided to spend it with you and the boys. Speaking of the boys, where are they?”

“Out with some friends I think. Liam though is with my brother.” She giggled and sat beside me. “You’re brother? Yikes, how did that happen?”

I sighed, smiling at her reaction. “Long story. Anyways, how are you?” She shrugged studying me. “I’m good. How are you? I’m so sorry I haven’t been around for so long. I have been busy,”

She frowned. “I’m surviving. And it’s not your fault, you don’t have to say sorry for anything.”

She went closer to me and smiled very wide at me. She took my hands in hers and asked. “Are you and Liam an item?” I nod, blushing when she said his name. Taylor jumps off the bed and does a little happy dance. She squeals, I chuckle, missing her weirdness and basically her presence. I was happy she was here right now, I forgot how grateful I had her as a friend.

“So, let’s catch up. We have a lot of catching up to do.” She grinned at me like an idiot.


Liam’s POV

“No offense, but why’d you bring me with you to go shopping?” I asked Chris, who was looking at a stack of clothes in Zara. We were at the nearest mall to the hospital and Chris loved this mall. It was a small mall but had good stores and there were barely people, aside from the workers.

Chris looked at me and gave me a smirk. “What? I can’t hang out with my sister’s boyfriend? I just wanted us to spend time together. And I wanted to know who my sister is with.” I licked my lips and nodded. “She’s my baby sister, Liam. I’m just doing this because I love her.”

We walked around; Chris was the only one who bought clothes. After an hour of going around, he had around ten bags and I was carrying half of it. We both decided to sit down and eat for a while. We ate at Starbucks and he said he would pay for it, but I said that I’d love to pay for it.

When we sat down with our orders, he looked at me. “Liam, did you ever know who her first ever boyfriend was?” I shook my head, shocked that he was talking to me about this. Olivia never talked about her past relationships with me. I never pushed her to tell me, but somewhat, a part of me was still curious.

Never Ever Let Me Go {l.p.} *SLOWLY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now