Chapter One

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Me and Tyler are sitting on the couch watching Supernatural. Tyler looks down at me I look up at him.
"What?" I ask nervously
"Nothing, I just like looking at your beautiful face" Tyler says and then kisses my forehead
"Aww, babe!" I say blushing. Then Josh walks in.
"Hey guys" Josh says while putting down the keys. Me and Tyler both look in the direction Josh is in.
"Oh, hey!" Both me and Tyler say
"What are you watching?" Josh asked.
"Supernatural." Tyler said
"Oh, cool. Well I'm gonna hang out in my room for a bit." Josh said grabbing paper towels and lotion.
"Okay." Tyler says. Then Tyler stops the TV and looks down at me. I look up confused as to why he did that. Tyler gives me a look. A look so specific you know exactly what it means. Me and Tyler head to our room.

Tyler quickly takes his shirt and pants off. I do the same to my clothes. He kisses me fiercely. Our tongues touch. He unhooks my bra and pulls down my panties. Then he takes his boxers off. He picks me up and throws me on the bed. I lied there waiting. He slowly climbs on top of me and kisses up my stomach up to my chest and then my neck. He sucks my neck leaving a red mark. I moan as he's inserting his long dick into my vagina. I scream with pleasure. Tyler begins to hump back and forth.
"Oh, yes!!" I yell with pleasure. The headboard is banging the wall fiercely.
"JOSH!" I yell out.
"Josh!?!!" Tyler yells with confusion. Tyler gets off of me.
"Josh!? You yell Josh!?" Tyler yells angrily
"Baby, no!" I say with distress
"If you think about Josh that way how do I know you won't actually do it!" Tyler yells
"Tyler your keep your voice down!" I yell quietly
"I'm gonna go for a bit" Tyler says with anger and distress.

Tyler puts his clothes back on along with a jacket. I put my clothes back on and run after Tyler.
"Tyler! Why are you getting so mad over this!" I yell. Tyler turns around and walks to me
"Because everyone always likes Josh more. Whenever I get a new girlfriend Josh always ends up with them."
"Ba.." Tyler interrupts me before I can finish
"I love you! I really do and I can't just lose someone I love and be okay with it." Tyler says "I just need some air" Tyler says walking away. I walk back home hoping Tyler comes back soon.

A few hours go by and Tyler comes back drunk.
"Are you drunk?" I ask worrying.
"No." Tyler says while stumbling
"Okay, I'm just going to go to sleep. I was waiting but it seems like you don't care anymore" I say stomping off to bed

Tyler goes into the bedroom and then vomits on the floor.
"BABE!" I shouted. I quickly ran into Josh's room and Told him Tyler had thrown up. Josh asks what's going on.
"Tyler threw up in our room!"
"Oh! Um get a mop!" Josh says frantically. I quickly grab a mop and hand it to Josh. Josh cleans up the puke and puts Tyler to sleep.
"If you don't want to sleep in the same bed as Tyler incase he throws up again. You can sleep in my bed." Josh said sweetly
"I don't know if Tyler will like that" I said nervously
"It's okay. I'll sleep on the couch." Josh replied
"It's 1:58 a.m. what if something happens?" I ask
"Nothing will happen. I promise." Josh says
I go get into Josh's bed.

The next morning I wake up to hear the unpleasant sound of Tyler puking. I walk out of Josh's bedroom and go get some clothes from Tyler/my room. When I get in there all the sheets, blankets, and pillows are gone. I can only assume one thing. Tyler threw up on the bed. I grab my clothes and I smell something horrible. It's like the smell of rotten fish, foot sweat and crap combined. I almost threw up myself.

A couple hours had passed and Tyler's hangover was almost gone. I whispered in his ear "I love you too" and he looked at me with a smile.

Later that night me and Josh went to a bar and got drunk. Tyler stayed home because he didn't want to go out and drink again.
"Hey you know what would be funny right now" I said drunken and slapp happy.
"What?" Josh replied slapp happy and drunken
"If we like, you know like kissed." I chuckled. There was a pause for a second. Josh looked at me and french kissed me. My eyes got big and I pushed him off.
"Oh my god. That didn't happen okay. It was a drunken mistake, it didn't mean anything" I said frantically
"Yes. Yes it was we don't speak of this to Tyler." Josh said
"But don't you think it meant something? Just a small bit?" Josh asked
"What!? No of course not I'm in love with Tyler and I care about him. It meant nothing!" I quietly yelled. Josh looked at me.
"I think we should go home." Josh said
"Yes. Yes we should." I said.

Me and Josh walked home drunk. When we got back it was 2:45 A.M.


Thank you all for liking, commenting, voting and many more. I hope you continue to like the book and feedback would be great! 

Tell me what you think via: in the comments or private message. Have a wonderful day, afternoon or night! -Dunny   

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