Chapter Seven

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Josh looked at me wondering why I stopped. I could tell by the look on his face he wanted to continue, but I stopped him. He put his clothes back on.
"Why did you stop?" Josh asked
"I don't know. I just feel wrong. Like apart of me says yes but the other is saying no." I said puzzling
"Well, did you officially break it off with Tyler?" Josh asked 
"I think yeah." I said
"Maybe you do have a heart." Josh joked. I hit him lightly
"Stop it" I yelled "Okay, I think I'm good" I said
"Are you sure?" Josh asked
"Yeah, I'm sure." I said and then kissed Josh on the lips.

I went into the bathroom. Josh wanted to follow but I looked at him as if I was saying no. I used the bathroom and then hopped in the shower. When I got out I took part of my razor and broke it, leaving the razor blade on the ground. I picked it up and looked at it. I sat on the toilet seat with the lid closed. I took the razor and cut my leg. The blood came out instantly. I had that feeling of pain but the sense of satisfaction. I did 9 lines. 4 on one leg and 5 on the other. But it wasn't enough pain to take the emotional pain away. I stopped myself. I put toilet paper on the cuts so Josh wouldn't know. After the bleeding stopped I wrapped a towel around me making sure to cover my legs. I walked out and quickly went into my room. I put on clothes that would cover my scars.

I walked out of the room with pajama pants on. Josh looked at me weirdly as to say "why are you wearing pajama pants?" I look down at them
"I can wear these if I want, maybe I'm cold." I said snarky.
"I never said anything I just looked at them." Josh replied
"Oh, sorry." I said and then put my head down.
"It's okay babe, you just never wear pj pants." Josh said and then hugged me.
He kissed me and held me tightly.

I went and grabbed my phone. I had 18 missed calls, all from Tyler. The voicemails where him drunk. I couldn't understand what some of them said. But one said that he was just going to stay out of my life.

I heard a knock on the door. Josh went to go see who it was. It was Tyler. Me and Josh both looked very surprised.
"W-What are you doing here?" I said
"I know that we left off on bad terms, and I've been going to therapy. I've been getting help." Tyler said frantically
"Why are you here Tyler!?" Josh shouts
"I thought we could try and you and me and Josh." Tyler said slowly and quiet
"Woah, dude what do you mean by that." Josh said
"I mean can we just try and be friends again. I forgive you for everything and I hope you forgive me, and Isabella I'm hoping we could try again." Tyler said
"Um, well, here's the thing. Me and Josh are...well how do I put" I said
"Wait what?" Tyler said with a look of disgust on his face.
"Yeah dude. When you abandon your girlfriend at a time of need, hell yeah I'm going to be there for her." Josh said  

"I-I don't understand? Why would you do this to me?" Tyler spoke                                                                     

"Of course you don't understand. She needed someone because you left her! What's not to understand!? Why do you keep coming back if you aren't going to realize that you can't keep doing this!?" Josh said with anger                                                                                                                                                

"You always do this! You always take the girls I love and then come up with a way to  blame it on me." Tyler yelled                                                                                                                                                                                        

"I do not! And even if I do this time there is a good reason. You went crazy when you found out that Isabella was pregnant. You were happy when she had the miscarriage. How is it my fault that I took care of someone who needed it most? Don't try and blame me for your mistakes." Josh yelled. Tears started to fall from my eyes.                                                                                                                                                

"You know what, I don't care anymore. I don't know why I keep trying to make things right, but I just end up hurt. Maybe one day I can come back but for now I just can't" Tyler said and then walked away

Josh closed the door and walked to my room where he found me crying under the covers. He got under the covers and looked at me. He wiped my tears and then kissed my forehead. Then he hugged me tightly and told me everything was going to be alright. I cried a bit more. He held onto me for the rest of the night. 

In the morning Josh got up and tried to wake me up. I grumbled. Josh then went into the kitchen and started making coffee. Hoping to wake me up, he made a cup for me. Just the way I like it. He came into my room and set my coffee on my side table. He shook me once again. I opened my eyes a bit. Josh smiled and grabbed the cup. He gave it to me. I took a sip, then finally got up. He helped me up and we both sat on the couch. I didn't talk much. Josh didn't mind. All he wanted was for me to be happy, and if not talking helped, well then, I didn't have to. Josh turned on the TV for me and put on Supernatural. I smiled. He smiled back and kissed my cheek. I then kissed him back and took a sip of my coffee.   


Thank you all for liking, commenting, voting and many more. I'm sorry if this was triggering I was  going through a tough time so yeah. 

Team Tyler or Team Josh? Let me know

Tell me what you think via: in the comments or private message. Have a wonderful day, afternoon or night! -Dunny   

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