Chapter Three

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It had been two days since Tyler had left. I started getting sick and I kept throwing up. I think I'm getting sick. I wake up and just have to go to the bathroom to puke.

Josh came into the bathroom because he heard me puke. He went in there without knocking and saw me spewing my lungs up.
"Are you okay?" Josh asked
"No I feel nauseous and uneasy" I said
"Okay let's get you into bed and maybe you'll feel better in the morning." Josh said as he picked me up and put me in bed with a puke bucket next to me.
All I remember is falling asleep and then waking up the next day.

The next day I woke up and say Tyler standing next to me holding my hand.
"Tyler!" I said in excitement
"It's okay. Just be calm I don't want you to get sick." Tyler said quietly. Then I grabbed the puke bucket and it all came loose.
"I think I should take you to the doctors" Tyler said
"I'm terrified of the doctors" I said with a small but of fear
"If you want to get better we must go to the doctors" Tyler said and then grabbed the keys. Tyler carried me to the car because he didn't want me to get sick. He put me in the car with the same blue plastic puke bucket. He then took me to the doctors.

We where sitting in the waiting room. I was looking at Tyler with a sad look of guilt. Then the nurse came out.
"Isabella?" the nurse called out
"That's me" I said. Me and Tyler went into room 12 and waiting for the doctor to come in. The doctor came in and asked us questions
"Hi I'm doctor Jefferson but you can call me Jeff." The doctor said "So you're feeling nauseous uneasy and throwing up a lot is that right?" the doctor asked
"Um, yeah." I said quietly.
"Well we're going to run a few tests and see what's going on okay." The doctor said and then patted my leg.

The doctor called me into a private room.
"Okay, I have a few questions for you. I'm considering that you might be pregnant but I don't want to alarm you so I'm just gonna ask a few questions."
"Okay" I said quietly
"How long ago did you participate in sexual activities?"
"Um, a few days ago" I said nervously
"Okay. When was the last date of your period?"
"Uh, I think like 29 days ago" I said
"Okay okay good. One more question, well more of a suggestion but anyway. I think you should try an at home pregnancy test then come back to us with the results and we can do further research if you would like."
"Okay." I said
"Okay and you can be on your way. You'll have to sign some papers but then you're free." Me and Tyler signed the papers and got out of there as fast as we could.

We got In the car and I told Tyler to stop at a gas station because I needed to get something. He stopped at the gas station and I went in and got two boxes of pregnancy tests. Tyler asked what was in there and I said some girl things. When I got home I went straight to the bathroom. I took the pregnancy test out and then peed on it. It said I had to wait up to two minutes. Two minutes had passed and it said it was positive.

When I saw that the pregnancy test said positive I freaked out. I was walking around the room frantically with the stick in my hand. I finally calmed myself down and walked out there with tears in my eyes. Tyler looked at me.
"What's wrong?" Tyler asked.
"Uh, I don't know how to tell you this." I said in tears
"What? What's going on?" Tyler asked frantically
"Um, well" I paused for a few seconds "I'm pregnant"
"What!?" Tyler said loudly
"I don't know who's it is" I said under my breath crying.
"What do you mean you don't know who's it is!?" Tyler shouted "How do you know? Tyler asked. I held up the pregnancy test.
"I'm gonna go to my parents for a couple days. I need to get away." I said and then started packing my bag.
"You can't just leave!" Tyler shouts
"Oh but you can. Yeah I can leave too." I said then grabbed my keys and left.

Tyler got up and banged on Josh's door. Josh quickly opened the door.
"YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!" Tyler yelled
"Whoa! That was uncalled for!" Josh said
"Isabella is pregnant!"
"Why are you coming to me!?" Josh said loudly
"Who's the last person she fucked!?"
"Well she's had sex with you more times than me!" Josh yelled
"I'm so fucking done with this shit. It's most likely your baby." Tyler said storming out of Josh's room.

Josh walked up to Tyler.
"Why the fuck do you always blame me for your problems!?"
"I'm not the one who slept with his best friend's girlfriend!" Tyler said. "I'M SO FUCKING DONE! I'm leaving!" Tyler said and then grabbed his car keys. "No you don't get to walk out anymore. You have to be here for your girlfriend when she gets back. I'll leave." Josh said and then left.


Thank you all for liking, commenting, voting and many more. How surprised were  you guys when you found out Isabell was pregnant? Let me know :3

Tell me what you think via: in the comments or private message. Have a wonderful day, afternoon or night! -Dunny   

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