Chapter Five

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I had went to sleep and woke up at 4 in the morning. My stomach was hurting and it wasn't pleasant. I threw my blankets off me only to find a huge amount of blood. My underwear was soaked and my bed was full of it. I woke up Josh with my screaming. He came running into the room with full force into my bedroom. He busted open my bedroom door and saw the amount of blood.
"Oh my god! Holy shit Isabella! We need to get you to a hospital!" Josh yelled frantically. I didn't say anything I was only screaming.

Josh picked me up and ran me down the stairs. He put me in the car and then got in. He didn't even care about the speed limit and just went as fast as he could.

We got to the E.R. and they rushed me into a room. They gave me something to make me fall asleep so they could do surgery. That's all I remember.

When I woke up I was on a whole bunch of machines. I heard the sound of my heart beat. It was going at a steady beat. The doctor came in.
"Uh, Isabella you lost a lot of blood not enough for you to die but." he paused
"But what!?" I asked frantically
"But we didn't manage to save the baby. I'm very sorry for your loss." he said with a frown on his face. When I heard the news I started crying. I wondered to myself why this happened to me. Why I was the one that was picked.

When I left the hospital Josh took me back home and put me in his bed. Since my bed had blood in it. He let me sleep there for a couple hours until I woke up. He slept on the couch.
"Isabella I love you and I always will. You can get through this" Josh said quietly
"Thanks Josh. I love you too" I said and then fell asleep.

When I woke up I was greeted by the not so pleasant sound of Tyler screaming. I woke up and went into the room. He was screaming because of the blood.
"What the hell is this!" Tyler yelled
"Um, well while you were gone. Uh, I had a miscarriage." I said
"A miscarriage!?!" Tyler yelled
"Uh, yeah." I said
"Well that's good! I didn't even want a fucking baby. I was just going to leave and have Josh take care of it. Well now that that's over, yay." Tyler said cheerfully
"What!?" I yelled
"Yeah. Well I'm gonna go to sleep now" Tyler said
"The fuck you are!? I can't believe you just said that! How could you! You were just going to leave Josh to take care of it!? What if it was your baby!? You're a fucking dick! I can not believe that those words actually came out of your mouth!" I yelled with anger
"Is it bad not to want kids when you're 27!?" Tyler yelled
"No! But you shouldn't be saying things like 'well that's good'! That's a sick move!" I yelled
"Yeah I'm the dick! Because the one who doesn't sleep with his best friend's girlfriend is the dick!" Tyler yells
"You know what Tyler! I'm so fucking done with you! You could've been the cause to my miscarriage! They say stress is a big cause in miscarriages, and you've caused me lots of stress!" I yelled
"Yeah it's not okay for me to walk out but when you do it's completely fine!" Tyler yelled at me
"IT IS!! BECAUSE I DON'T JUST WALK OUT! I HAVE A REASON TO! That's it Tyler! I'm so fucking done with you! You got your wish! I'm gone!" I yelled and then locked myself in the bathroom. Tyler heard me crying and then stomped off and slammed the door behind him.

Josh heard me crying in the bathroom and knocked on the door.
"Isabella? Are you okay." Josh asked
"No. I'm not okay." I said sobbing
"Why what happened?" Josh asked
"I fucking hate Tyler!" I yelled
"What the hell did he do to you?" Josh said with anger
"He said that he was happy that I had a miscarriage and then got mad at me because I wanted to leave and said that it was okay if I left but not for him." I said fast
"Wait, wait, wait he said he was happy that you had a miscarriage!?" Josh asked with extreme anger
"Yes." I said and then cried more
"Oh that fucking dick head!" Josh said and then pounded on the wall. "I'm going to have a chat with him Isabella. I'll be right back." Josh said and then before he could leave I came out.
"Please don't do this Josh!" I said
"Isabella! He's being a dick and he's not going to realize it unless someone tells him he is." Josh said.
"I just want him gone. Just leave him alone!" I said.
"Isabel" before Josh could finish his sentence I kissed him. His eyes got wide and then softly pushed me off.
"Isabella! This is the whole reason we're in this mess! We can't do this again!" Josh said and then went into his bedroom.

Josh stayed in his bedroom for a good hour or so. When he came out he had bed head which gave me the clue that he was sleeping. He looked at me with guilt and then looked away. Josh grabbed coffee. He grabbed one for me too.
"I think we should talk about what happened." Josh said looking down at his coffee
"We should talk about this but tomorrow. I need my space considering everything that's been happening." I said
"I think we both need our space. So I guess we'll talk tomorrow?" Josh asked
"Yeah, we'll talk tomorrow." I said.


Thank you all for liking, commenting, voting and many more. What was your guys reaction when she had a miscarriage? Let me know. 

Team Tyler or Team Josh?  Let me know 

Tell me what you think via: in the comments or private message. Have a wonderful day, afternoon or night! -Dunny   

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