v. pencil bag

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Colton was going to sit in his usual seat in the far back corner when he walked into class, but he hesitated in his tracks when he spotted Sutton

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Colton was going to sit in his usual seat in the far back corner when he walked into class, but he hesitated in his tracks when he spotted Sutton. Sitting by the large windows. A perfect view of the front parking lot of Emmett High. The seat next to her at her table was empty, and he found himself making his way over. She glanced up when he pulled the chair out. He gave her smile that never reached his eyes and she returned it, before turning back to her notebook.

Mr. Jones came in with his TA and jumped into the day's lesson. Handing each table a stack of papers stapled together with instructions for the project. Sutton flipped through the pages as she pulled her dark wavy hair out of her face and into a ponytail. When the TA walked by with test tubes and beakers, Sutton slipped her goggles on and dove right into the experiment.

Colton leaned back in his chair and glanced around the room. Everyone else was busy with either their own projects or simply talking amongst themselves as if it were a social hour. Mr. Jones only sat tiresomely at his desk grading papers. His TA hovering over his shoulder. Colton turned back to Sutton. He watched her read over the instructions. Watched as she turned the bunsen burner on and began.

"It must be hard." Colton murmured as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on the flat surface of the table. "Living in complete silence . . . All the time." Oblivious, she continued to work. "Was it always like that?" He asked, trying to imagine. His head tilted. "Did something happen to you?"

Sutton glanced up at him and he smiled. She gave a small tentative one in return and went back to work.

"You have no idea what I'm saying, do you?" He asked in amazement as he leaned closer. She continued to fill a beaker with sugar. Holding the container up to make sure she didn't pass the quarter line. A rebellious strand of hair draped over the side of her face and Colton's finger twitched. With vacant eyes, he mused, "I wonder what sounds you'll make."

When class was over, and everyone's stations were cleaned up, they were finally dismissed. Sutton hiked her bag over her shoulder and headed through the door. She spotted Taylor just at the end of the hall. Two coffees in hand. (Since she had an open period, she was able to make a coffee run.) Sutton started her way when she felt a hand grab her arm. She turned and Colton loomed over her.

He outstretched his hand, offering her black pencil bag. Sutton let a breath of slight relief out and her shoulders relaxed. She didn't necessarily know what she was expecting and instantly felt ridiculous. She gave him a small smile. How nice. He clearly was different from his brothers. Though, Sutton could have sworn she packed her pencil bag away.

With an inward shrug, she kindly took the pouch and signed a thank you. Putting the tips of her fingers to her chin and swinging out and downward. He smiled at the action. The corner of his mouth quirking up. He glanced at something behind her and his smile widened. When he turned back to Sutton, he winked and then left.

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