iv. peeping tom

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Sutton slouched on the bench in front of her opened gym locker. Her bag in her lap, her hands clenching on the straps as she awkwardly waited for the other girls to get dressed. Looking around, she felt even more out of place. All the others were so comfortable in their own body's. Some even stood in their underwear! Casually conversing with one another.

She wished she had the confidence to take her shirt off and not flush with utter embarrassment.

Absentmindedly, she crossed her arm over her chest as she watched a group of girls laughing as they gathered together to see what one of them had pulled on their phone. They looked so happy and free.

When the whistle blew, they quickly tossed their normal clothes in their lockers and ran out as they pulled their hair up into ponytails and buns. Once the room was clear, Sutton finally changed into the fitness uniform; blue shorts and a yellow shirt with the Viking mascot smack dab in the middle of the chest. She pulled her hair up like the others and joined them in the gym.

Today they were playing volleyball. The class was split in half. On one side of the court, girls played against girls, and on the other side, boys played against boys. In the end, the winning teams from both sides would then play against each other.

Incidentally, Sutton had this class with Spencer Kingsley.

As she made her way to her side of the court, she found herself glancing back his way. So far he was oblivious to their shared schedule, either that or he didn't care.

Sutton stood awkwardly in the far back corner. Too nervous to actually try and participate in the game with the others when it started. She tried to distract herself as much as possible. She would fidget with the hem of her shirt, wrapping it around her finger and unwrapping repeatedly as she watched the white volleyball bounce back and forth over the net. But as much as she tried to distract herself with the games, she knew—deep down she knew—what she really wanted to look at was just across the gymnasium.

With shy eyes, she nervously glanced over at the boys' side of the court. Her eyes widen when they locked with his. His eyes were narrow. Zoning in on her with a solemn glare. Why does he always glare at her like that? 

She quickly flicked her gaze to the floor. Her cheeks burning a bright crimson. She could feel his gaze raking over her. The intensity never letting up.

When she glanced up back at the game, desperate to escape the embarrassment, her eyes widen again when she spotted the volleyball coming right for her. Unable to think or move, she clenched her eyes and physically prepared for the impact. But it was a different impact that sent her crashing to the unforgiving ground.

"What the hell idiot? Move your ass!" Marnie Bennett yelled as a fellow teammate helped her up after she crashed into Sutton trying to hit the ball. The two glared at Sutton as they went back to the game.

With a heavy exhale, Sutton pushed off the ground and stumbled to her feet. Wincing from the slight pain coming from her wrist from the fall. Should have been paying attention, she mentally scowled herself. When she peeked over Spencer's way, she was slightly surprised to find his spot empty. She glanced around and spotted him just as he pushed past the double doors of the gym.

Curious—and maybe even a little suspicious—Sutton hesitantly made her way to the bleachers where Coach Carson sat, clipboard in hand and writing down people's grades for the day. Jotting down if they were participating and if so how much. He wore a navy blue jumpsuit and a baseball cap.

Most likely writing down that Spencer was "skipping" class—again.

She signed to Coach Carson, asking if she could go to the restroom. Her hands flying in short movements. He stared at her with frowned eyebrows. Deep confusion contorting his pudgy features. Looking at her like she'd grown two heads, it was clear he had no idea what she was asking—or even doing. She rolled her eyes mentally in frustration. If she had a quarter for every time . . . She reached down and took the pen and clipboard out of his hands. On the far top corner of the attendance sheet, she wrote down her question.

"Oh, yes! JUST TAKE THE HALL PASS!" He yelled much louder than needed. Slowly pronouncing each word carefully like she was some sort of clueless child or a mental case. As if yelling was suddenly going to make her hear him properly.

This earned a hand full of laughter from a group of senior girls sitting on the bleachers. Their ''doctor'' slips in hand.

Sutton blushed with embarrassment as she grabbed the wooden stick with "Hall Pass" embroidered in it and made her way into the empty halls.

Not a soul to be seen.

She took a wild guess and went down the east hall to the next corner. Peeking over, she caught Spencer as he stalked into the boys' bathroom. His hands clenching at his side. Sutton waited until the door closed behind him before she hesitantly followed. With careful steps, she crept to the door and gently pushed it open. Just a sliver for her to peek through.

Other than Spencer, the boys' restroom was completely empty.

He stood in front of one of the mirrors, crouched over and gripping the sink so tightly his arms strained. He looked visibly distraught. Like he was holding himself back from doing something. With her curiosity only growing, she continued to watch as he took deep shallow breaths.

Sutton gasped when a hand reached around her and closed the door. She stumbled back and collided with a solid chest. Spinning on her heels, she found herself face to face with another one of the Kingsley boys.

Geez! They're everywhere!

"You know you really shouldn't be sneaking around." He had dirty blonde, disheveled hair, dark thick eyebrows, and the coldest pair of grey eyes Sutton had ever seen. Meeting his brothers' height—just barely—he too towered over Sutton.

Blushing with embarrassment from being caught, Sutton's lips quivered ever-so-slightly. The small missable movement instantly catching his eye.

Ashton smirked. "Might see something you don't wanna see," he murmured with a lopsided grin. Sutton gulped as he leaned in. "or shouldn't."

The door suddenly opened behind Sutton and she turned to find Spencer standing behind her. Feeling trapped, Sutton quickly rushed down the hall in a panic.

Ashton's grin deepened as he and Spencer watched her disappear around the corner. "Run little mouse!" He laughed and turned to Spencer who only glowered at him in his usual annoyance. Ashton shrugged with a smirk. "What?" he asked innocently. "It's funny."

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