1- School

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"Amber wake up baby girl. You don't want to be late on the first day of the month" Clive buttoned up his shirt and tied the red tie around his neck.

Amber got up and stretched before looking at her father and mumbling a good morning. She noticed the grey hair and the bags under his eyes and she knew how tired he felt. He had been up working for quite some nights now.

"You better be up soon. I have to leave for work early. The boss wants me to serve at some wedding today. I won't be back till six." Clive grabbed his suitcase and gave his daughter a hug which she returned.

Amber saw he dad out and locked the door behind him before getting her normal routine done. She slipped on some old jeans and a sweater. She decided to leave her hair down for today and then slipped on some old slippers that were now broken. They meant a lot to her since they once used to belong to her mother.

As she looked at herself in the mirror she noticed that she had become even more thinner since last month. Her blue eyes still held a little sparkle even after all that she had been going through. Her dirty blonde hair had grown past her shoulder and she made a mental note to cut it later this month. Her lips were thin but rosy pink just like her cheeks.

She grabbed her backpack and stepped out of the house not forgetting to lock the door behind her and slip the key under the ragged door mat. The sky was bright unlike yesterday and she smiled as she looked at the clouds. When she turned the corner that led to her school she bumped into something black and stumbled back.

"Hey Shaw." James waved his hand in front of his nose as if she smelled bad.

She looked at the boy with black hair and chocolate brown eyes with hatred. James was one of the school bullies and his target was always her. It was not that she ever payed attention to anything he said but it hurt a lot sometimes. It hurt even more to think that what he said was always the truth.

"James move aside. I don't have time for people like you." Amber gridded her teeth.

James took a step towards her with a evil smile that made her gulp. She started backing away till she felt the hard wall behind her though her thin sweater. He started to come even closer till he was standing right in front of her with his face one inch from her's . His one hand caught her right hand and pinned it to the wall while the other caught her other and pulled it to his waist in a tight grip.

"Now what will poor Amber do? Yell for daddy?" James sang in a baby voice. Amber could feel his breath on her face as he spoke every word.

"James just leave me alone. Peter will be on his way to school right now and I'm sure you know what will happen then." Amber said sounding braver than she felt.

James let go of her and stepped back. This time there was fear in his eyes that made Amber grin. She knew that James was scared of the boy that lived one block away. Peter was a even bigger bully than James but he respected her for all that she was going through.

"Leaving you this time Shaw. Next time will be worst. Mark my words." James hissed and ran off at full speed down the lane.

Amber waited for five minutes trying to catch breath that she had been holding before heading down the lane too. When she reached the cake shop she stopped and looked inside the big window. The cakes all looked delicious and made her mouth water but it would be too expensive.

"Want me to buy you one?" Amber turned around to see Jane.

Jane Granger was a rich girl and Amber's only friend. Her strawberry blonde hair and black eyes were too pretty not to notice. She loved wearing jeans and hated to even hear the word dress .Unlike the rest at school she didn't look at how poor a person was before making friends.

"No thanks. You have to save up for the phone right?" Amber grinned at her friend.

"It's okay. Your hungry and that's most important." Jane pointed out.

"No it's fine. Dad will bring some bread tonight. That should be enough." Amber insisted.

Jane was about to argue when they heard the school bell ring from a distance. Jane looked at Amber horrified that they were late. She grabbed her hand and dragged her all the way to school. They were just in time because the gardener shut the gate a minute after they stepped in.

When they entered the school building Amber turned right while Jane went straight. They both had history but Jane had too meet the principle first and Amber couldn't stick around without getting caught. She already had been warned last week by Miss Waters.

Amber reached the classroom and asked for permission to enter which Miss Underwood granted with a small nod. As she walked to the last row she felt every pair of eyes in the class glare at her. She sat down on the last bench near the window and pulled out a torn notebook to take the days notes down.

The class began boring than ever with Miss Underwood talking about some Emperor and his children until a girl who looked like twelve entered the classroom with a sheet of red paper in her hands. Miss Underwood snatched the paper from the girl and read through it. Amber could see her eyes taking in every word written on the paper. When she was done she looked up and her eyes landed straight on Amber.

"Miss Shaw the principal wants to have a word with you. You can take your bag since you won't be attending any classes today." Miss Underwood spoke in a low tone that made Amber gulp.

Okay this chapter turned out horrible but I just wanted to tell you'll about her school life- Shania

Please vote if you like this chapter and leave me some feedback so I can improve. Also most of you'll might comment on my grammar but please read the A/N in the epilogue first.

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