Chapter 10

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I walked back in my house and into my room. I flopped down on my bed and sighed. I noticed my phone out of the corner of my eye. I picked it up and looked at it.

10 new messages: Luce
13 missed calls: Luce
6 unheard voicemails: Luce
1 new message: The stripper

"Damn... Luce is probably ticked. But what did Gray want?" I looked at his message first.

Hey, flame face. Lucy's been looking for ya. I thought you said nothin was going on between you two.

"Stupid stripper..." I mumbled to myself.

When were you with Lucy?

To my surprise I got an instant response.

I ran into her when she was hanging with Levy. She wanted to know if you wanted to tag along.

I was stuck with work

Bro, you always gotta find time for your girl.

Shut it, I don't need a lecture from a perv who scares off the ladies by flirting with them without pants on.

Go to hell, you said you'd never bring that up again!

Yeah, whatever. I'll see what she wants

Well, give her a call, bro. She probably called you a bunch of times too.

You have no idea, later man.

I set my phone down and I closed my eyes, falling asleep instantly.

I wake up the next morning. I look at my clock

"7:50...." My eyes darted open. "Shit, I'm gonna be late!"

I got a quick shower and threw on the clothes I had on when I was with Lucy. I quickly got in my car and I booked it to school. I got into class and I saw Lucy sitting in her usual seat. I kissed her on the cheek. "The teach is late. Let's bail!" I opened the window.

"Y-You know I'm uncomfortable doing this..." Lucy responded.

"Then let's just go!" I exclaimed. I grabbed her and held her tight as I jumped out the window.

"N-Natsu! Come on, put me down!" She commanded

"Nope! We're out of here!" I laughed as I ran to my car. I set her down next to the car door as I ran over to my side of the car. I opened the door and got in, so did Lucy.

I started my car and bolted out of the parking lot. I looked at Lucy and smiled. "Feels good to do what you want, doesn't it?" I asked.

"You know, it actually does." She replied with a smile, a small hint of surprise in her tone.

I pulled into the Magnolia national park and parked my car. I was getting looks from all over the park because of my car. "I don't care about any other kind of attention other than this." I sighed happily as I got out of the car.

"Oh, so you don't care about my attention? Lucy shot a smile at me.

"Nice comeback... of course I care about your attention." I replied, returning the smile.

I pulled her by my side and placed my hand across her back on her lower hip.

Lucy smiled. "Getting a little low aren't we? There's kids here you know."

"And that's why I didn't go lower." I shot a mischievous smile at her.

Lucy's face went red as we kept walking. We walked over and sat on a bench under Magnolia's famous cherry tree. The tree was on a small island by itself. A small stream separated the land from the rest. A white covered bridge was placed on either side of the tree so people could get to the bench by the tree. Light leaked through the trees leaves.

Lucy and I went and sat on that bench. I put my arm around her and she leaned her head on my shoulder. "Who would've guessed it? The only girl in the entire school who hated you ended up being your girlfriend." Lucy laughed.

I laughed along with her. "Yeah, it's definitely unexpected. Just about a week ago, you hated my guts! Now? Well... here we are." I smiled.

She leaned her entire body on me. "And I couldn't be happier."

"Well, you can be this happy when we get back to my place, but right now we're in public." I joked, bracing myself for the punch in the stomach. When nothing happened, I looked down to see Lucy's red face still leaning against my right arm.

"Fine, deal." She said.

My face went red from the response. "A-And I thought I had a sense of humor... You ARE joking... right?" I asked slightly nervously.

"Not really." She said bluntly.

"You going crazy or something? You know the topic of this conversation right?!" I asked, getting more nervous.

Lucy's blush faded away and all that was left was a mischievous smile. "Well aware." She kissed my cheek and got up. "Well, we going or what?" She asked, walking to the car.

"Fine..." I said as I complied with her and walked towards the car.

OMG PEOPLE, WHAT UP?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm back with a vengeance!.... Not really, but I'm back and I got some great ideas for this story and believe me, they're going to fit very well in this story. Anyways, I finally came up with the sequel, which means, yes, this story could be ending sooner or later.

Also, to the people who wanted a lemon. You're going to love me and hate me because of the next chapter! Guess you all gotta wait and see!

So once this story ends, I'm going to do one of two things, it's a chance that I might do both, but I don't know yet. Either I'm going to finish "I Fell In Love With A Rocker" or I might start on the "Her Crush" sequel with Infinite_Midnight

Now, I got a brilliant flash of inspiration so I'll update the next chapter very soon.

I hoped you all loved this chapter, if you did, please vote and comment. I love reading the comments from you all! Things are gonna be kinda weird when I get a different job, but hopefully I can still update as much as I would want to. Anyways, SEE YOU ALL IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!

(Next chapter; Lemon Lovers Beware!!!!! Non Lemon Lovers, still read it! It'll be funny XD)

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