Chapter 10: The Things I Do For Love

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Elya loved Casterly Rock, and Jaime and herself started to share chambers again. Elya was delighted to know that the servants liked her immediately, but Lady Nora seemed to despise her for reasons known and unknown. One faithful morning, a raven came from King's Landing.

Lord Jaime Lannister,
Warden of the West

Lord Eddard Stark is branded a traitor and was beheaded yesterday. He refused to bend the knee to King Joffrey Baratheon and insists that the late King Robert Baratheon wishes him to rule as regent beside the new king, and he claims that the King Joffrey is a bastard angering the King and the Queen Regent more. His two daughters, Lady Sansa Stark, and Lady Arya Stark will be sent to Casterly Rock and Lady Sansa's betrothal to King Joffrey was dissolved. The eldest Stark boy, now known as the young wolf, proclaims himself King in the North and launches attacks on our forces at Riverrun, and captured Ser Adam Marbrand. Ready the force of the West in case he attacks the Westerlands, although he does not have any chance to win, he will attack in hopes to get his sisters back.

Lord Tywin Lannister
Hand of the King

Elya could not believe the letter, Robb acting King of the North and usurping the throne, he will never win against the Lannisters if he attacks the Westerlands.

2 weeks later, Arya and Sansa arrives at Casterly Rock. They were given chambers and Arya insisted to go to the training yards and watch Ser Jaime and Ser Rafael Lefford spar, to her suprise Sansa insisted to come with Arya, they went to the training yards and saw every lad or Sers fall right into Ser Jaime's sword. Not even one of them won, even Ser Rafael Lefford. But that did not cause her anger to rise, she saw Nora stood up and to wipe Jaime's sweat but before she could even start, he came running towards the three of them. He still looks good even when he is sweaty. Sansa thought. Things were better in Casterly Rock than in King's Landing for both Sansa and Arya. Every morning, Arya will spar with Ser Rafael and Ser Jaime or sometimes with Pod. Sansa, on the other hand, has a new septa and she stitched a blanket with a lion in the center for Elya's unborn babe.

Elya's belly was getting bigger month after month, and she is often hungry. Another letter was sent to them and she was scared because of what was in the letter, his brother Robb marches West and is eager to take them back. Jaime was angered by this and made the trainings of their soldier harder. Elya knew that Robb's army was no match for the might of the West, Robb has 18,000 men composed of northmen while Jaime has 60,000 men composed of red cloaks and bannermen, but Lord Tywin can send some more red cloaks if need be. Robb's army will surely be defeated before they even reach the Lion's Mouth, they will be trapped outside and the City Watch will rain arrows on them. But some of Jaime's men should still go outside of the gates and help in Lannisport incase there will really be a war. Elya learned that Ser Rafael is Lady Nora's brother, it did not make her feel any better when she learned that Lady Nora is already betrothed to Ser Adam Marbrand, who is now a prisoner of his brother and Jaime's childhood bestfriend.

The maester will always remind her to take it easy, but since she is a Stark by blood, she does not always listen to him. Her belly is big now since she is now on her seventh month. A little more and she will see her little bundle, she always thought what their babe will look like and what will be it's gender, She also loved all the blankets and towels Sansa sews for the baby. Arya was getting better and better everyday with sword-fighting, who wouldn't if trained by the best.

Elya was just outside Jaime's solar when she heard him talking with his small council she felt her heart drop when she heard him say, If they attack Lannisport, I will be leading 20,000 men while the remaining can double the number of the City Watch and be ready incase they get past us. The young wolf should have been smarter not to defy Walder Frey and march towards us. He may not get out alive, but listen to me and inform the soldiers that whoever catches Robb Stark and his lady mother and his nurse wife, do not hurt them but bring them to me in the great hall in chains. Do all of you understand? Elya couldn't lead his men, Robb will surely kill him. Yes m'lord. The small council said in unison. She made herself known and Jaime dismissed the council. You are not really going to lead your men should there be a battle in Lannisport, are you? Jaime shook his head and said, I will, your brother would not stand a chance besides, you're safe here. Casterly Rock will never be sacked, enemies will not be able to penetrate the Lion's Mouth and that is the only known entrance, only me, and my siblings knows the secret passages. You need not worry. But Elya was not planning on letting him win this argument. Northerners will not give up and they are loyal to Robb, I am pretty sure that he already put a price for your head. My brother may have lesser soldiers but he is not a fool. Please do not lead your men, let Ser Rafael lead them and you can stay here with me. Please Jaime. Jaime responded saying, I must say that your plan is rather tempting but I am their liege lord, the Warden of the West in my father's stead I need to lead them. What will my father say if Ser Rafael leads 20,000 red cloaks, he will think of me as a fool and as he says, Lannisters don't act like fools. Jaime's statement did not change his lady wife's mind, instead she became eager to make him stay should there be a battle. So she kissed him and started to undress him and he started to do the same, just when Jaime was going to kiss her neck, she pushed him away and said, Promise me first that you will not lead your men should my brother attack. Jaime nodded and said.

The things I do for love..

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