Chapter 13: Winter is Coming

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The winds grew colder each day and it goes by the Stark's words- 'Winter is Coming.' Baby Willem is now at his 4th month, Elya would bring him with her to watch Jaime and Arya spar. Jaime received a raven from King's Landing specifically, from Cersei.


I heard about the birth of your new son. Now that you did your duty, come back here because I need you. Don't even dare to tell me that you have fallen in love with the Stark girl. I am expecting you to arrive here 2 weeks from now.


Jaime simply replied with a letter saying,

Queen Cersei Lannister,
Queen Regent

I have duties here in Casterly Rock for I am ruling in father's stead. I heard from a reliable source that your bed was never cold, Ser Osmund Kettleblack is surely doing his duty. Please tell father that we are in need of more red cloaks in case Stannis chooses to invade the West. We also heard from Lord Commander Snow that White Walkers breached the wall and are traveling South, should they attack here atleast we are ready. I do hope that King's Landing will be ready too.

Lord Jaime Lannister
Warden of the West

Cersei was too indiscreet with her letter, she will cost them both their heads if the letter has fallen into the wrong hands. Jaime was thankful for Jon Snow's letter warning them about the White Walkers, they have enough dragonglass in Tyrion's room, he is collecting them since he was a little boy. Tyrion will arrive here in a fortnight and he will surely be helping in the battle tactics. Jaime also heard of Joffrey's upcoming wedding to Margaery Tyrell. Tyrells woukd not stop at being the second richest family in the seven kingdoms. Jaime murmerred bitterly.

Sansa sometimes looks after Willem and she often imagines what her life would be like or what her children would look like if she was the one who got to marry Jaime. Jaime also postponed the siege to reclaim Winterfell and asked Ser Adam and Ser Rafael to train their soldiers harder.

Days after, Tyrion arrived carrying the news of Stannis' defeat to the Boltons and Tyrion also brought Tommen with him to be a fostered at Casterly Rock. Jaime was also bummed of these news he had been hearing of the White Walkers attacking at the inn near Golden Tooth, soon they will attack in Golden Tooth then Lannisport. Tyrion loved Willem and he vowed to teach him when he is older, Tyrion also heard kf the White Walkers traveling South and he is most excited to see one and most thankful to his past self for collecting dragonglass. Prince Tommen also met the little Lord Willem and he adored him. Tommen is such a sweet boy, whenever Willem cries, he strokes his cheeks.

The people loved the new Lady Lannister because she gave them supplies for the long winter. Elya found it cute that Willem will only stop crying if he is given to Jaime and he sleeps faster when Jaime laid him on top of his chest. Elya visited her mother and she promised that he will not do anything to hurt her babe then she asked the guards to escort her to her new chambers, while Robb is still plotting something. She also met Talisa, a nurse that Robb got with child and is now his wife. Elya also heard of Theon's betrayal, she was also told that he is planning to take her away from Jaime and marry her at the Iron Islands, little did she know that Ramsay Bolton tortured Theon every now and then. She was also scared that White Walkers are headin towards them, she would never let them harm Willem, Jaime would not let them. Lord Tywin sent another 50,000 men to Casterly Rock leaving 150,000 red cloaks in King's Landing.

One morning, a guard approached Jaime in his solar. M'lord, White Walkers have reached Lannisport and unleashed havoc there. People were killed and some are disappearing, then they come back like a mad man killing whoever is in their way. Jaime replied rather quickly, Wights. Wights are the people White Walkers kill and resurrect only to be an insane one killing senselessly. Send 20 men and let us see what the others can do. The guard nodded and left. That same night, Jaime, Tyrion, Ser Adam, and Ser Lefford watched at the balcony and they saw the White Walkers. The others were tall and slender with icy blue eyes and icy blue sword, just like their descriptions in one of those books. Jaime watched as his 20 men fought them but failed miserably. His men were torn limb from limb.

He went to bed with Elya that night and told her what happened. Jaime it's alright, atleast I have some good news. Mother held Willem today and she wouldn't put him down, I think tomorrow she will do the same. In case you're wondering where he is, he is sleeping with Mother, Arya, and Sansa will just be you and I. She said trailing kisses on his jaw. Yes, it will just be you and I. Jaime responded. Jaime was out of his tunic and breeches in a second, it was a long time since they made love. The people from the castle might have heard her scream his name when she peaked but she did not care, she was Lady of the Rock now and nobody will dare laugh at her about it after all, Jaime is her husband. Elya did not know that Sansa was just outside their chamber door because she was going to ask how Robb was, and she heard her peak. Sansa went back to their chamber and covered herself with her blanket and cried all night.

Tell me you're not going out there to battle against the others. Elya said. I will not be going alone, in fact, I am willing to release Robb Stark if he persuades his men to go with us into battle. Once the others are all dead, we will come back, I promise I won't die. Jaime assured her. Be careful and always remember that this is just the start because winter has not officially started, it's still coming. Elya whispered in his ear.

Winter is coming, and when it does come, a lot of things will not be the same again. The red woman spoke as she gaze at the flames.

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