Chapter 6- Winsmere Secondary School

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"Wake up! Jaaade!! Waakeyy!!"

"Argh!!! SHUT UP!" I screamed. I mean who in their right senses wakes someone in the morning screaming their name?! I didnt need to ask. It was obviously Nathan.

I decided to ignore him and maybe, just maybe he would be of my back but no I was wrong. Very wrong. The guy took it as an invitation to sit on my back!.

"Nathan would you get the hell of my back?!"

"How about a no."

"Seriously Nahan get of!"

"Nope I'm not." Then I decided it was time to use my karate skills on him. I did some sort of spin and in a second he was rolling on the floor.

"Fucking hell!"

"Haha watch your language Natty." I replied with an evil grin.

"Don't call me that."

"I won't when you start listening to me."

"Who says I have to do that?"

"I do."

" Ugh you're so annoying." He replied getting up on his feet. "Lets see how you'll survivve in school today sucker!" "Oh shit I forgot! Come on Nathan be with me at least for my first week."

"And what do I get huh?"

"You know your mom will force you to do so anyways so I dont even see why I should ask you."

"Whatever. You win but this will be your last." He said walking of.

I laughed and got myself in the bathroom to get ready. In no time, I was done and was downstairs eating cheerios still waiting for Nathan.

"Nathan would you come down this minute! Jade's been waiting for forever!" She screamed.

Thank God she did because In no time, the dark haired guy appeared.

"Wow Miss Nat how long does it take to shave your legs?" I asked sarcasstically and receiving an eyeroll.

"Jade lets go we'll be late for school."?

"Oh okay Auntie we're leaving!" I yelled as we skipped out the door.

We took the bus and in no time, we had reached the school. It was actually quite big.

There in front was a huge sign: Winsmere Secondary School

I tagged along Nathan as I received stares from people. Ugh how I hated being the newbie.

We walked to the principals office. She was a fat woman with a warm hearty grin.

"Well good morning Nathan. I suppose this is the cousin your mom spoke to me about?"

"Yeah. Miss Ferne. "

"Hello. What's your name?" She asked slowly as if I was now learning how to speak

"Jade Whitmore." 

"Well Jade welcome to Winsmere Secondary School. I hope you have a good time. You will get your uniform tomorrow I hope."

"Umm okay Miss." I replied.

We  left soon after and Nathan took me to my class.

"Have fun birdie" He teased as I gave him a desperate look. He couldn't leave here to go alone.

I stumbled into the noisy class and pretended I couldn't see or feel them staring or the fact that the class had gone extremely quite. I perched myself at and empty seat next to the wall.

"Hi" The red head sitting next to me said.

"My name is Bonny what's yours?"

"Jade." I replied with a smile.

At that moment the teacher entered the class and greeted.

"Good morning class. I hope you guys had a great weekend. Before I take my homework, let me introduce to you Jade our new student."

All 20 pairs of eyes turned to my direction and I gave a little weak wave, receiving hi's from all over.

"Okay back to business. Exchange your homeworks with the person beside you..."

This is going to be one helluva day I murmured to myself as the class got busy.


Finally Finally Finally been able to update ....been at school most of the time (boarding school) and I just finished writing my IGCSE!!!

hope you enjoy....and vote or comment :)

^Pixie Sweets^

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