Her Power

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I woke up to the railing of police sirens and a blanket around me, shivering in the cold. A police nearby handed me a cup of coffee to drink. How could I be sitting here comfortably when my best friend's body was being sent away? How mean could I be?.Guiltiness flooded my thoughts; my conscience was full on charge, accusing me of my deeds.

And that stupid power thingy kept on disturbing me. It's soo soo hard to control it especially when I get angry. Why, why, why? Why did I enter that house in the first place and why did I even force Lucy to go with me? Why?! I should've just listened to her.

Okay so I'm sure you're quite confused about why I'm feeling so so so guilty about something you have no freaking idea about. Well here goes......

"I don't get why you think you're soo brave and courageous, Jade." Uttered Lucy as we were walking home from school .

"Umm cos I am brave and courageous Lucy.Who was the one who always used to keep the bully's away from you? Huh?" I replied.

"Fine you were but really don't you think it might go too far?"

"Look Lucy if you worry like that all the time,you're never going to have some good fun you know."

"Okay. Fine I'm gonna go for the party. Happy now?"

"More than you can imagine."

In no time, we had reached her house.

"Hey Aunt Julia!" I greeted, grabbing a sandwich. Her sandwiches were the bestest ever! I rushed upstairs after Lucy whiles balancing the sandwich in my mouth.

"So what are you gonna wear?"I asked, planting my self on the bed.

"I don't know. Maybe dress like Harry Potter?" She replied going through her stuff.

"Cool. But what are you gonna tell your parents?"

"Oh come on Jade! Haven't I done this a million times before? I'm gonna sneak out" She replied with an evil twinkle in her eye.

"Oooo I can feel the spirit of Halloween already"

"Totally!" She replied, giving me a high-five.

Later On....

I was dressed as a vampire bride with my fangs all intact and my face, extremely pale ( Maybe even too pale for a vampire), with blood trickling down my lips unto my white gown(It wasn't expensive so wth?) and Lucy was in her Harry Potter costume with glasses and all. Entering the house, a slight breeze passed by us, followed by the hooting of an owl nearby, sent chills down my spine but I shrugged it off.

I could hear music playing loudly as we approached the house. There were red plastic cups all over the place and the terrace was full of Frankenstein's, vampires, witches , ghosts and football players making out like there was no tomorrow. Typical Halloween party.

"Urgh disgusting." Lucy said, her face full of disdain.

"Oh come on Lucy, just ignore them and you're gonna be fine. The real party's inside." I replied reassuringly.

We entered and the music was even louder than before. We sat on the sofa and I left to get us drinks.

"Hey baby."

"Antoine, I told you to stop calling me that. I'm not your baby and I'll never be alright?" I said with a straight face.

"You know what? Just get me a bottle of beer and a can of coke. Don't spike it"

"Whatever you say Ma'am." He replied laughing knowing it annoyed the hell out of me.

I took the drinks and left to Lucy but she wasn't there. I figured she would be in the washroom or probably making new friends some where so I just laid back with the other guys around and having to deal with drunk boys trying to hit on me.

**3 Hours Later**

It was almost 2am, the party was about dying down and I really needed to go home plus Lucy had to sneak back into her house without getting caught. I went around looking for her but she was no where to be found. I practically searched everywhere I could think of: the washroom, the kitchen etc. What the hell? I thought. I started to get really worried. Had she been kidnapped? Had she run of with some random guy? Questions were just flowing in and out of my head. I went upstairs to check through the bedrooms again. The hallway was really dark so I used my phone as a source of light. I opened the first door on my left only to see Antoine busy banging some blonde chick.

"Ugh. When did you even appear here?" I asked completely appalled.

Not any later, I realized the lights in the room at the end of the hallway were on. My hopes shot up to a 200% that Lucy would be there. Right when I entered, the room went pitch black went out and Bam! The lights were on again. There is some weird shit going on here. I tried this for about four to five times and all had the same result.

Now I know a normal, average thinking human being or teen would tuck their curiosity's head back into a bag and flee for their life. But if there's something you should know about me, it's that I've got a massive problem with minding my business. Therefore; my curiosity took the best of me so I entered the room. And yes you guessed right it went pitch black again just as expected. I switched on my phone again. I was quite an empty room with just a bed (Which looked like it hadn't been slept in for years) and a bare dressing mirror. Probably belonged to a guy. I walked further into the room and I hit something. I couldn't see it but I could feel there was something there. Kinda like an invisible barrier or something. I felt as like I was in one of the episodes of 'Lord of the Rings'. You know that blue shimmery thingy they pass through to go into the "other world"? Yep. That. If you know that then you'll get what I'm talking about. I got up and walked through whatever it was and I was thrown aback by the tremendous brightness of the light on the other side of the room. So this is where the light was coming from. After I adjusted to the brightness of the light, I saw a bright blue ball wrapped in a fancy cloth, laying a small box. I inched closer to it and touched it. Sparks begun everywhere in the room. My body started vibrating vigorously; I could feel something enter me. Something really weird going through my veins. I was on the floor. My body was charged up...

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much appreciated..Peace and love :)

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