My Heart, My Life

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Thirty Four.

The Elders listened in shock and horror at his words and the testimony of the two teens had convinced them that Dagur's Armada was ready to sail. Hiccup sighed and admitted that he had heard word of the impending attack on his travels and Stoick had scowled that none of his allies had thought to warn the Hooligan Chief. The Council agreed to mobilise the Berkian Fleet-but there had been a serious problem...Gothi and Bucket were in complete agreement. A storm was coming-a big one. And it would hit in the morning.

"Just when the Armada is due," Gobber had noted.

"The fleet will be unable to go out," Spitelout agreed. Stoick folded his arms.

"They will come," he said, checking with his son. Hiccup nodded.

"Dagur doesn't care about the weather or sanity in general," he admitted. "If he decides to do something, he does it. And to Hel with any other consideration. He will attack." Stoick stared at him.

"We will need the dragons," he said quietly. Hiccup nodded and his face paled.

"I know," he sighed. "We are probably Berk's best hope. And that means...I will have to face him again, Oh gods..." Astrid tightened her grasp on his hand.

"It's okay, babe," she said softly, "I'll be with you." He nodded and offered her a wan smile.

"Thanks," he sighed then lifted his head to stare hard at his father. "We will prepare the Academy for war. You will be on Thornado?" The Chief nodded. "I want us to be married tonight!" Hiccup said sternly. Stoick shook his head.

"Son, even if it wasn't such a contentious issue, there is no way the preparations or the proper protocol could be done in time..." Stoick protested.

"Dad-that wasn't a request," Hiccup said sternly. "There is no contract to decide. There will be no dowry. You will set aside a suitable bride price for Astrid and put it in trust for any children we may have in the future. I will sort out the Morning Gift. Since we are supposed to have already attended to the physical aspects of our relationship, there is no need for the formal preparation rituals for bride and groom. I am certain Gobber and Gothi would be willing to attend-and the Riders. And there will be no need for a feast or any witnesses since that point is apparently moot." He was breathing hard. "Arrange it for tonight. I will sort out the rings-with Gobber's permission?"

The blacksmith nodded, his eyes shocked and amused at Hiccup's determination.

"Lad, I am certain ye already know what yer doin' so get at it!" he said with a grin. Hiccup turned to Astrid.

"Can you sort out the others?" he asked her gently. She nodded.

"And what will you be doing, husband to be?" she asked in an amused voice. He led her to the door as Stoick started bellowing orders to the Elders. He stopped and stared into her face, his eyes worried.

"Sorting your Morning Gift," he said quietly. "That will be all yours, Astrid. Wealth and security for you-whatever happens." She paused and opened her mouth to scorch a retort-and then she saw it in his eyes. The worry, the guilt...the fear. And she realised.

"You are afraid that Dagur will get you...kill you?" she guessed. He nodded.

"He's insane and I am vulnerable...even with Toothless," he said quietly. "There will be six of us against an entire Armada. And the aren't terribly great odds-especially as Dagur will be looking for Toothless and me." He sighed. "If anything happens to me, Astrid, being my wife...being my widow will protect you. You will still be Stoick's daughter and he will protect you in my memory. It may not stop you being courted by Snotlout, I am afraid, but the Morning Gift will grant you financial independence." His voice had grown thick and he stared at the floor.

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