Imperfections, YouTube fanfiction

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Chapter one

Part one 

Christians POV

I hated going on planes. 

They always gave me anxiety. 


I had to try to block out the thoughts and fall asleep, which was hard enough without the whole 'I'm on a plane, it's going to crash and everyone is going to die' thing. 

But, despite hating it, I needed to get to England. 

And I'd finally get to meet all the YouTubers I loved and all the friends I had made through the beautiful website. 

I didn't like leaving my house, no, I didn't like leaving my room. 

I would rather stay on the Internet all day listening to music. 

I didn't want to travel to another country. 

Look on the bright side, you'll be able to meet Jason and Luke and maybe even PJ and Dan and Phil and Chris and everyone else, and they'll talk to you like you're one of them and not just an obsessed fan.

Positive thinking. 

I'd been trying to do a lot of that. 

Apparently it helps. 

And I guess it did, even if it pained me to try and lie to myself.

I went through security with no problems, and seemed to hold my breath the whole way through. 

Boarding the plane was easy, all I had to do was find the correct seat without drawing attention to myself and sit down, put my headphones in, and block out the world. 


I began to think about who I was finally going to meet. 

Luke and Jason, I'd meet them, and they would be all lovey-dovey together, and I would feel even more lonely. 

Or they'd just ignore me completely, which would be better than talking to people, I guess, but I do want to talk to everyone. I want to talk to everyone. 

Anyway, I doubt they would ignore me, they're not like that. 

Even if Luke and Jason are dating, and even if they probably don't want me there intruding on their perfect relationship, they wouldn't ignore me. 

I would just have to hang onto that hope. 

Emma and Dan, unbelievably, managed to get together. 

Emma got a hard time from Phan, Lemma and Chemma shippers everywhere, and I felt sorry for her, because Phan shippers, at least the most obsessed ones, knew ways of getting to people. 

Emma was strong, and she didn't usually let anything, any form of hate or anything negative about her, get to her. 

Her walls were breaking down though. 

She was letting the barriers she'd built around herself to fall. 

Emma was letting it get to her. 

A shame, because, at least in my opinion (however insignificant it may be), they were really good together. Dan Howell and Emma Blackery. 

PJ, KickthePj, PJ Liguori. 

He was my idol. 

The person I aspired to be at least a little bit like. 

I could meet him. 

He, too, was in a relationship. 

But not with Chris, like everyone expected. 


PJ was with Phil. 

Everyone was with someone and I was alone.

We landed some time later, and I mentally gave myself a pat on the back. I had made it to England and the plane hadn't crashed. No one had died (at least, not on the plane), and overall the journey was close to being almost pleasant.

I got out my phone to call BriBry. He was picking me up from the airport, and he was taking me to Jason and Luke's house. 

Him and Candice were staying in a hotel down the road, and I was staying with Jason and Luke. 

I dialled the number, and waited. 

Three rings. 

Then the phone was picked up. 

"Hello? Bri? Are you there? It's me, Christian?" 

"Ah, Christian! You're at the airport? Already? I'll be there in about ten minutes, I'm already on my way!" 

"Oh ok, see you then, thanks BriBry." I said before Bri hung up the phone, and I was left awkwardly standing in the airport, suitcase in hand, and a bored look on my face.

Ten minutes later, Bri and Candice arrived, greeting me with open arms. 

I looked down shyly at the ground and walked over to them. 

Before I had even set my suitcase down properly and said hello, I was pulled in to a hug by Bri and then Candice. 

Compare to them, I was tiny, ridiculously short. 

BriBry towered over me and, even though I knew him, I felt intimidated. 

Candice stood taller than me as well, but she was wearing high heeled boots. 

"Hello..." I waved at them slightly and they both giggled. 

"Hi Christian, d'you wanna go to the car? We'll get you to Jason's in about an hour depending on the traffic." 

"Let's go!"

A/N WOO! YAY NEW STUFF! This is with both me and @EllaDaGreat, so follow her for updates as well ^_^ HOPEFULLY THIS WILL BE AMAZING, and wont take that long to update because there are two of us working on it! 
WOO! (comments are appreciated and I love you all!)

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