Chapter 1 Part 2 (Lukes POV)

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Chapter 1

Part 2

Luke's POV

I squinted, blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes.

I looked around, I felt a pang in my stomach as I realised who I was cuddle in to.

My yeti.

I smiled and nuzzeld my head into his shoulder, wrapping my arms around his neck.

We fitted perfectly together. "Morning Jason," I murmured placing a kiss on his forehead.

He opened his beautiful eyes and smiled.

His smile sent shivers down my spine, I couldn't resist pecking his lips. He wrapped his arms loosely around my waist and sighed a happy sigh. A sigh of content.

We stayed like that for and hour or so, talking about anything and everything.

I got up to have a shower, Christian was coming over today and I wanted to look my best. Whilst I was in the shower I heard a knock on the door,

"It's open," I called.

The door creaked open and closed again.

Before I knew it Jason was in the shower with me, I cupped his face and placed my lips on his.

Being with Jason in the shower was amazing, it wasn't awkward at all. We didn't say much, we didn't need to.

Showering together in the simplist sense of the phrase.

Being in each others arms made communication unnecessary.

Once we were both fully clothed we went downstairs, I made some coffee and took it through to the living room.

Jason was sprawled across the sofa, when he saw me he sat up and patted his lap.

I lent back into him, his arms creeped around my waist and his chin sat comfortably on my shoulder.

I smiled, "I love you Jason," I murmured

"I love you too, Luke Cutforth."

We sat like that for a while, then Jason placed his hands on my shoulders and started to massage.

Every muscle in my body relaxed, when he finished I snuggled into him listening to the beating of his heart.

We decided to go to the local park together as Christian would be another couple of hours.

When we arrived at the park Jason immediately started climbing the tallest rope climbing frame, whilst I stood nervously at the bottom, terrified for Jason.

"Luke, come up, you can see loads from up here." Jason called. " you come down Jason, come down now!" I shouted, distressed.

He started making his way down but stopped a few feet from the bottom.

"Climb up with me," he said softly, "I'll be right next to you the whole way."

I gave in and started climbing, my whole body was shaking. But Jason's hand around my waist calmed me down and soon we were at the top.

"See, look you did it," he whispered to me. I turned my head and stared into his eyes, we kissed. Time seemed to slow down as the kiss got deeper,

"Thank........ You," I said between kisses.

After a few minutes we made our way down and back home, hand in hand.

A/N Hai, this is Amber, because Ella, the silly human, can't be bothered/doesn't know how to write an authors note. So, like the nice person I am, I am writing it for her. So, Ella wrote this part and she is cool (check her profile out @EllaDaGreat) We are in real life (Best) friends, have been for about six, seven, eight, or nine years, and do practially everything (like, literally) together. So, check her out, bug her, annoy her, but don't send hate to her because despite being annoying half the time, she's pretty darn awesome. (Also, send messages to her and ask her (tell her or force her) to write her own authors notes next time)

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