Chapter 2 Part 1 (Phil's POV)

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Chapter 2

Part 1

Phil's POV


*Good morning love <3 hope you slept well and dreamt of lovely things, went on beautiful adventures and other things ^_^ Can't wait to see you today <3 Love you <3



I smiled stupidly at my phone screen as I lay in my bed.

Waking up was always better when I woke up to Peej's good morning texts.

God, I had the most perfect boyfriend ever.

I sighed as I realised I had to get out of bed and start the day, I completely certain that, if given the choice, I would stay there forever.

Swinging my legs out of my bed and placing my feet on the cold floor, I mentally began to plan a list of everything I had to do today.

I had to edit my new video.

I needed to reply to tweets and comments.

I had to go on tumblr and reblog some photos of cats.

I had to get the shopping.

I had to ignore all the horrible comments on all of my social networking sites.

Why couldn't people accept that I loved Peej and that Dan loved Emma?

Still, couldn't stay mad at them.

It's not like they would influence anything.

They couldn't change our minds.

Could they?

I fished my phone from my pyjama pocket, and quickly tapped out a reply to Peej.

*Aww you're so perfect, you know that? Can't wait to see you again <3 Love you too <3


xxxxxxxxx <3*

I sent the message and placed my phone down on my bed.

Walking over to my wardrobe, I decided what I would wear.

I reached into my wardrobe and, after skimming through all of my tops and shirts, I finally settled on an outfit. I pulled out my favourite red and black checked shirt, and some grey skinny jeans.

I pulled them on and hummed along to a tune in my head.

Feeling Good by Muse.

I guess the title completely fit my mood.

Picking my phone up off of my bed, I wandered out of the room.

"Morning Dan." I said while eating my toast as Dan walked into the room.

"Morning." He replied, rubbing his eyes, his hair sticking up at all angles.

He plonked himself down on the sofa, and grabbed his laptop.

Emma walked in behind him, and I blinked twice before realising that she had stayed over for the night.

I had wondered what those strangely sexual noises were at 1am...

"Hey Phil." Emma asked. She seemed awake, but her eyes looked tired.

Running a hand through her dyed red hair, she yawned.

She too sat down on the sofa, next to Dan, and rested her head on his shoulder.

Aw, they are cute together, really cute.

"Hey." I paused, and asked both of them if they wanted toast, or tea. Without waiting for an answer, I went on and explained that I was going to PJ's.

Neither answered, though, as they were both too busy eating each others faces.

I sighed and left without saying goodbye, doubting that they'd notice my absence anyway.

A/N Ok, so hai :) Amber writing this chapter, so hai! Hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for everyone who is reading this so far because we love you <3
So, yeah.
Bai :3
(Note about ILYMTY: So, for those reading that (Over 17,200 reads omfg), I'm sorry I haven't updated, I will soon. That's a promise, yo!)

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