The Irritating Situation

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"Alright babe..., try to get some sleep tonight." Brianna demanded as I pulled my bag from her back seat and stuffed my boots in them. My feet ached far too much to even think about slipping those suckers back on.

        "Yeah right... I have to be at the shop in like five hours, that doesn't even include getting Tony up, fed and over to Mrs. Mancinni's for the day..., all before I miss the 7:40 am bus pick up." Blowing out a frustrated breath, already feeling tired and my day hasn't even started.

        "Your pushing yourself to hard, babe." She huffed, shaking her head at me.

        "Whatever it takes to make sure that Mia and Tony have a somewhat normal life..." Groaning I slowly drug myself from the comfort of her passenger seat and forced myself to stand on my sore feet.

        "Well... let me take you out to lunch or dinner tomorrow. I feel like a shitty friend for not being able to help out more." She exclaimed with a guilty expression.

        "Babe, you have your own issues with your dad and Logan... it's fine. Besides I still have to meet up with Greco at some point tomorrow to sign the contract for the terms of our agreement." Stretching out my tender back, before slamming the door shut and leaning against the frame to talk to her through the window.

        "I still cannot believe that you demanded that Marco Greco draw up a contract, instead of taking his word for it." Letting out a slight laugh as she shook her head in disbelief at me.

        "I was making sure to cover all of my bases." Smirking as I remembered Marco's surprised expression when I asked for the contract.

        "Or making sure that neither one of you crossed a line." Wiggling her eye brows suggestively at me.

        "Whatever." Rolling my eyes at her, even though I agreed with that sentiment. "On that note, I'm going to bed." Blowing her a kiss as I pushed away from her bug.

        "You can't avoid the topic forever." She mocked in a sing-song voice.

        "Yes I can." Singing right back at her, slowly making my way up the familiar cement walkway lined with petunia's leading up to the only place I've ever called home.

        I could hear her lighthearted laugh as she pulled away from the curb. Shaking my head at her, I slugged my bag over my shoulder and continued up the walk. Suddenly I got that weird, eerie feeling like when your being watched.

        Paranoid I turned back around and started to scan my eyes around the front yard and the few cars lined closest to my house. Almost instantly I locked onto a pair of hazel brown eyes and shaggy blonde hair as the person attempted to duck down into their driver seat. Flinching back, I realized that the same person was sitting in an almost identical Cadillac Ciel I saw Marco in earlier tonight.

        Furrowing my brow and straightening my shoulders, I headed straight for the car as the person inside peaked over the frame again and widened their eyes in shock at my fast moving approach.

        "Shit." I heard them curse as he fumbled around to try and look nonchalant sitting there.

        "Richie... right?" walking right up to the Ciel and the nervous looking kid from the club.

        "Uh... um." He stammered looking around unsure of what to do or say. "Hey! What's up Ell?" grinning all casual like, popping an elbow against the opened window frame.

        "Are you spying on me?" raising my eye brows in an accusing manner, as he squirmed slightly in the driver seat.

        "Well... I-I call it... keeping watch. Like a bodyguard." Replying with a nervous smile.

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