The Emerald Lassie

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        To say that Richie was shocked to see where my second job was would be a huge understatement, he was completely floored. Instantly the poor guy started to fidget and twitch anxiously as he pulled the Ciel to a stop in front of the three-story brick building with the bright, neon green sign shaped as a shamrock with the bold white letters in the center flashing Emerald Lassie.

        Blowing out an agitated, nervous breath I hesitantly turned to face the stunned and extremely nervous kid, who not only considered Severiano his best friend, but was also working for the new Boss of the Greco crime family as it registered to him that I was in fact working for one of the Greco family's biggest rivals in town, the MaGee's.

        The MaGee's are nearly the equivalent to the Greco's, just they control the opposite side of town from Carmine. Their unspoken arrangement has left Midtown as a neutral area, well kind of neutral considering how these men like to conduct business.

        Jimmy MaGee, the head of the MaGee family, runs his side of town like an Irish version of the Mob, and unlike Carmine's friendly nature Jimmy is cold-hearted, holds no loyalty when it comes to business, what am I saying he hardly holds loyalty to his own flesh and blood let alone business.

        Thankfully this trait didn't pass on to his oldest son, Finn, who owns the fine establishment that Richie and I are currently parked in front of.

Finnie is nothing like his father, he passed on taking over his father's 'businesses' and struck out on his own, taking the little money he had and opening up the Emerald Lassie. Much to his fathers disappointment.

        Unfortunately, however it did pass onto his second eldest son, Kieran, who was now being groomed by his father to take over when it was time and Kieran was soaking up all the knowledge his father was willing to give. And adding insult to injury with my current fucked up situation, Kieran just happened to be my Ex. Messed up I know.

Thankfully no one from the Greco crew knew about us and I was praying that I could keep it that way. I could only image the reactions I would get if anyone of them found out, especially Marco.

        "Please tell me your fucking joking." Turning to gape at me hopefully, pleading with his eyes that this was some kind of fucked up joke I was playing on him. "Your fucking with me, right?... please tell me you're just fucking with me." Richie begged, gulping nervously as he leaned against the steering wheel to stare at the building I had him park at.

        "It's really not as bad as you think... I promise." hoping that I sounded as calm and confident as I was trying to convey.

        "I hope not... cause what I'm currently thinking is pretty fucking bad." Shaking his head as he leaned back into the driver seat. "I'll have to call in and give an update... I have to tell them where I drove you." he whispered, casting a concerned sideways glance at me.

        "Richie... please don't..." I started to protest, hoping to reason with him.

        "Ell... I'm hanging on by a thread here myself..." he groaned, gripping the steering wheel in agitation and fear.

        "I know... I do..." understanding what he was insinuating would happen if he didn't let them know where or who I worked for. "I'll tell Marco myself... just give me tonight to figure out how to... I don't know... not have him flip out when he hears who I work for." Hoping that he would give me that chance, even though I know he would be putting himself in danger for it.

        "Ell..." he groaned, hanging his head in defeat.

        "Finn isn't a bad guy." Quickly jumping to his defensive, hating that he was always automatically lumped in as a monster along with the rest his ruthless family.

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