where you once stood, I stand.
where you once loved, I love.
where you left me I'll stay.
Love and stay till I leave at daybreak like you once did."~~
I revive in you as I do in the still silence of night,
Just like a reed craves water at rivers edge.But still, I cling to your ephemeral presence with all my might.
Just as the falling man clings desperately to a skyscraper's ledge.I cherish you with the ferocity of a thousand wars I have yet to fight.
Just as soldiers wish for more hours
Behind life's hedge,So does my heart pine for you.
~~"The end of all things, came and left.
Just like you."-
A/N: All content is subject to copyright and is reserved in all respects.
Disclaimer: All artworks belong to their respective owner(s).
Love Untold
PoetryThere's a certain kind of warmth that slides off the edge of your thoughts, heavy and slick, dark and veiled, silky and smooth as ink to imprint on your heart. ...and these are those words. Special thanks to @sparrowed