Freckle faced Harlee Fay,
Spent every hour of every day,
Up a tree,
Or by the sea,
Exploring her creek,
Or playing hide and seek
Yes, Miss Harlee Fay,
The master of play,
Every day a new adventure
The detail of her trips she will never surrender
Like the time she went into a cave on Blueberry hill,
And the time she invaded the old flour mill,
So many adventures for her to tell,
Never her spirit can you quell,
Miss Harlee Fay
The Pioneer of the modern day
Freckle Faced Harlee Fay
PoetryA novel in verse written through the eyes of Harlee, a spirited young girl with a voice all her own. Harlee is living a life drifting between a weightless world of fantasy, and a reality she isn't yet ready to except. Soon, however, she'll have to...