Quiet Place

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My best friend

Is my Quiet Place

Quiet Place is kind

Arms always open

Willing to give a hug to a sad,

Freckle Faced Harlee Fay

Quiet Place lives in the woods

Behind my house

Close enough for me to see

Shadows in the windows,

Waving arms,

From between the crack in the rock

But Quiet Place shuts out their noise

Quiet Place is always ready to listen

In Quiet Place's silent way

She asks,

"How was your day?"

"How did you do on your math test?"

"Those kids on the playground still giving you trouble?'"

Quiet Place cares

I tell Quiet Place everything

Because Quiet Place won't tell a soul

My words are sealed in Quiet Place's stone lips

And that's just the way I like it

Freckle Faced Harlee FayWhere stories live. Discover now