Time For the Truth

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The moment I had gotten Aidan through my bedroom door he had collapsed from the exhaustion weighing him down. The first thing I noticed when he finally shifted back to his human form was that he had spent way too much time as a wolf. First by how much weight he had lost, which could have only been caused by burning far energy than he took in which was common of being in our wolf forms. It was how so many of us managed to stay so lean and muscular. Secondly by the fact that he looked nothing like he had when he had left. He only wore a pair of loose running shorts and his skin was as dirty as his fir had been. His blond curls were longer, and shaggier than I had ever seen them and he actually had dark stubble grown unevenly around his jaw. All of this told me that he had been just as affected by our separation as I had. The knowledge should have given me some kind of satisfaction but instead only made that familiar ache even stronger.

I knew I should be furious at him for just showing up here after he had made it perfectly clear he didn’t want to be here anymore. That he didn’t want me anymore but I couldn’t find it in myself. This was Aidan; this was my mate, the man and wolf I loved more than anything. It was taking all the strength and will power I had not to climb into bed behind him and curl up to forget the rest of the world but I wasn’t falling into that trap again. Aidan had yet to have a chance to explain why he was here. I wasn’t going to get my hopes up that he had come back for me only to find he was maybe passing through for his things.

So instead I forced myself from the bedroom after leaving him a note on top of a set of towels and into the kitchen. I wasn’t too surprised to find my mother and father having a hushed conversation, one that immediately halted when I entered. Pretending like I hadn’t noticed I continued to the fridge where I debated on if I really wanted anything, or if I’d even be able to stomach anything at this point. Once I’d swiped a bottle of water I turned to find my mom and dad both staring at me expectantly.


“Don’t what us Zariah Tore Rukke. I believe we are owed an explanation just as to what in the hell was going on! You attacked your brother!” My mother demanded.

“He threatened and disrespected my mate.” I growled “And I am not going to take it anymore.” They both just gaped at me silently for a long stretch of time. “What bothers you most? The fact that my mate is Aidan or that it is a male?” I growled as I made a move to storm past them not really wanting to hear their answer.

“Neither.” My mother said as she stepped in front of me to pull me into an embrace that only a mother could give. One that made me want to break down and tell them everything I had been living with, but strangely soothed me at the same time. “We all love you no matter what Zariah. We just want to understand what’s been going on.” She murmured as she pulled back to meet my eyes and I found myself staring into mirroring pleading hazel eyes. Sighing I nodded and dropped into the closest chair as they slid in across from me.

I told them everything, from the time Aidan came to the hospital, to the time I accepted him, all the times he came to me bloody, bruised or near tears, times that we argued about just telling everyone the truth and everything up to the time I came home from chasing him. By the time I finished my mother had tears in her eyes and a pair of familiar feminine arms wrapped around me.

“Why did you never say anything Zariah?!” Annalee cried as she clung to me tight enough that it was edging on painful but after everything it was exactly what I needed. My brother and sister were my best friends; they and Emi were the only ones I really had. So all of this turmoil between them and me was slowly killing me.

“I’m glad you finally said something. I told you it was for the best didn’t I?” Vane  asked as he squeezed my shoulder in support and Annalee pulled away to glare at her mate.

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