Coming Clean

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Hours later when Aidan had finally slipped into sleep sprawled across my chest I found myself edgy and restless, which was amazing considering all the energy I had just used. Smiling down at my sleeping mate I ran my finger gently through his hair pulling it back away from his face still amazed at how long he had let it get. Carefully sliding out from beneath him without stirring him I pressed a kiss to his forehead before slipping downstairs. I knew that if I stayed upstairs he wasn’t going to get to stay asleep much long and that wasn’t fair to him because I knew he was tired and he needed it.

I was surprised to find Vic and Sab sitting in the kitchen with my father, however, as they all paused to stare up at me as I entered. Sabian was instantly tense as his eyes narrowed, obviously taking in the scent of Aidan all around me, and the sight of me walking down with nothing but shorts on and plenty of marks to confirm just why I smelled of Aidan. His tenseness had me stiffening as he let his eyes roam from mark to mark, and I wondered if this was truly going to come to blows for the third time.

“Hey Zariah.” Vic said giving me a small smile.

“Hey. What’s up?” I asked quietly.

“Your apparent mate?” he said with a raised brow and automatically I felt myself tense even more and I had to fight back a growl.

“Dad won’t tell me anything so I am hoping that you will.” Sabian said surprisingly sounding a lot calmer than he looked.

“I don’t know what more there is to say. Aidan is my mate and I’ve known since a few days after that fight. But we haven’t been together that long. I can’t help who my mate is and you both know that. Besides even if I could I wouldn’t change anything. I love Aidan.” I explained and Vic nodded before his attention glided back to my father. Sabian, however, shook his head and shoved himself to his feet obviously ready to storm out but I quickly blocked his path. “Sabian please. He is not what you think. I love you, you’re my best friend and you’re my brother. As your brother I am asking you to give him a chance. He is the same Aidan he was years ago if you would only give him a chance to show you.” I pleaded.

Sabian shook his head. “He isn’t the same Zariah.”

“No, maybe not now because who knows what happened while he has been running but he isn’t a bad person. He’s never been a bad person. Please Sabian. You told Annalee once you wouldn’t choose between her and Emileah. Please don’t make me have to do the same.”

He stared at me for a long time and after a while I wondered if he was going to both to reply at all before he let out a deep breath and nodded. “That’s fair enough.” he said quietly. “I’m not making any promises of us ever being friends again but I will be civil and tolerate him for you.”

“That’s all that I ask.” I said as I let out a breath of relief that I hadn’t realized I had been holding. Arms wrapped around my shoulders before pulling me into a tight embrace that immediately returned.

“I really am sorry Zariah. I didn’t know and I didn’t understand. I’ve been an ass this whole time and it was uncalled for. You had every right to defend your mate. I don’t hold that against you. Ever.” Sabian said shaking his head.

A weight that felt like the world had been lifted off of my chest at his words as I smiled and nodded at my brother. It was a good feeling to know that everything was slowly falling into the way that it should have been the entire time. If I had only told everyone the truth and explained about Aidan from the beginning then we all would have been saved some heartache and misery. Aidan and myself especially, but hindsight was twenty-twenty.

“Hey baby what are you…” Aidan began as he padded his way towards us from behind me but he paused as he caught sight of Sabian standing in front of me. “Oh. Um I’ll just go back upstairs.”

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