A True Mating

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Aidan and I spent the next few days with all of our time and efforts into settling the paperwork for our apartment and getting everything moved and bought that we would need for this apartment. Thanks to Vic’s connections with many people that lived in our town we were able to speed things up ten times the amount it would normally take and it meant a lot to me that he would help. As hard as my family was trying I could understand Aidan’s rush to be in a place of our own because it was what he was used to and what he was comfortable with and I also knew that it would take him some time to come with terms with the fact that my family wasn’t simply pretending to like him. After the incident with the hunter and Rydon everyone had a new found respect and it seemed that the past war was all but forgotten.

Once we had finally settled in I had managed to talk him into having a pack dinner. I knew that he had only given in because he knew that I wanted it and he was determined to do anything to make me happy.  So now that the time had come he was more nervous that I had ever seen him before as he bounced around our apartment doing everything he could think of do keep himself busy. I felt bad because not matter what I said he wouldn’t listen and wouldn’t calm down.

“Baby.” I said catching his arm as he made the third time around to pick and arrange the living room.  “Calm down, everything is going to be fine I promise.”

“You can’t possibly promise that Zariah.”

“Worst case scenarios the only people that show up are my family and they love you Aidan you know that.” He gave me a skeptical look but remained silent as he sagged against me and seemed to give up fighting with me about it. “Come on, it will be fun baby and you know I would never let anyone hurt you.”

“I know and that’s what worries me.” He said with a chuckle as he tilted his head to press his lips to my own in a sweet and affectionate kiss that I quickly deepened as I felt my entire body stir and burn like it always did in his presence. Wrapping my arms tighter around him as his fingers dug into my hair I pushed myself against him.

“Whoa! Sorry guys!” I heard my brother call from behind me and groaned before pressing my lips to the skin of his neck and turning to face Sabian who didn’t look the least bit sorry as he leaned against the doorway to the kitchen watching us. In fact he looked rather pleased with himself.

“Hello Sabian.” Aidan said politely from behind me, no doubt where he was trying to hide his embarrassment.

“Hey Aidan, what’s up?”

“Um, nothing I am going to start taking the meat out to the grill.”

“Ok.” I said as I watched him scurry from the living room.

“Still skittish huh?”

“It’s only been a short while Sab.” I said meeting my brothers eye finally and he nodded.

“This was a good idea though?”

“I really hope so.” I truly wasn’t as confident as I let Aidan believe I was that this was going to go well.

“Ever since they heard you speak for him and they watched him lay down his life for their future Alpha majority of the pack has done a complete 360 in their attitude toward him.”

“It’s the others that I am worried about.”

“No one would dare come to your home to harass your mate Zariah, they aren’t stupid.”

I chuckled at that but nodded because he had a point at that. “Come on. Let’s head outside with the others.” I said as I started forward and he quickly followed. To say I was shocked when I stepped out into our large balcony followed by the big field behind our apartment building was an understatement. Not only was my entire family out there talking and laughing but Vic, Arianna, and little Evander along with many of our other close pack mates and most surprising by far was David. He was in the back keeping his distance but he was there. Vane and Aidan seemed to be having an animated conversation while Annalee laughed at the two of them. Weaving my way through the people I quickly caught up on the argument.

“That kills all of the flavor!” Aidan protested even as he smiled and I raised a brow as my sister turned her attention to me.

“They’re arguing over how to cook the steaks.”

“He does this for a living Vane; I think it’s pointless to argue with him.” I said as I wrapped my arms around Aidan’s waist while he turned back to the cooking meat.

“That means nothing.” Vane teased and I rolled my eyes.

“Does anyone want their steak like Zariah, where it is still mooing?” Aidan called out as he took my meat off of the heat to throw onto a plate.

“Ohh, I do.” Annalee called and I raised a brow looking to her, curious as to when she started eating raw meat. Vane had a frown on his face as he studied her.

“Is that healthy love?”

She scoffed. “The baby is half wolf and half shifter, it is going to be craving raw meant a lot Vane.”

“Baby?” I asked in disbelief and Annalee’s cheeks pinked as she nodded and diverted her eyes. “Wow congratulations sis!” I said as I pulled her into a tight hug.

“Thanks.” She said as she squeezed in return.

“Well it’s about damn time you told everyone!” Sabian exclaimed and Emi slapped his arm in reprimand but was ignored as everyone immediately began to swarm the beaming couple to give their praise. I smiled as I stood back to watch with Aidan as he continued to work on the food.

“I’m glad everything is working out.” Aidan said.

“Me too. I think we all deserve come peace after the last few years.”

No sooner had the words left my mouth then David made his way over to pause there in front of us. Stiffening I shifted so that I was between him and Aidan fighting back a growl I raised a brow in demand and he held up his hands in surrender.

“I don’t want to fight Zariah. I just want to apologize. I’ve been an asshole. Trist and Aleca would never have wanted that. They were very forgiving and would have understood so I should respect them and their beliefs. I’m sorry Aidan. I have been so horrible to you.”

I looked to Aidan knowing that he had to handle this one on his own. He looked completely and utterly shocked as he gaped at David. He obviously didn’t know what to say. I wrapped an arm tightly around him tucking him into my side.

“Its all right David, we will all just start over from here on, no ill will.” I said holding my hand out and he clasped it so he could shake it before nodding and joining the rest of the crowd once more. “You all right baby?” I murmured against his head as I brushed it with my lips.

“I… Just… This is for real.” He said quietly shaking his head.


He turned to look at me with innocently wide eyed like a child as our eyes met. “This is for real. They aren’t pretending for your sake they’ve forgiven me… for everything.”

“I told you baby, they just didn’t understand. You saved the future Alpha of this pack from a hunter. No one as evil as they made you out to be would do something like that.” I explained quietly and the minute I did tears filled his eyes as he shook his head in disbelief. “Oh baby.” I pleaded tightening myself around him, “Please don’t cry. I can’t stand it.” But that did nothing to soothe him. I felt the attention beginning to shift back to my little mate and knew I needed to get him out of there because he wouldn’t want them to watch him like that.

“Excuse us, my mate has needs I must attend to.” I explained. “Vane take over please.”

Vane nodded as he chuckles spread through the crowd.

“Mhm, we are sure that you will take care of those needs and put a smile on that face.” Emileah teased and chuckles spread some more.

Smiling I winked at her as I began to push him towards the house. “You know it.” I said and had every intention of doing so for a long long time.

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